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{Dragon Riders}

{My links}

cool place to play game's your pc
cool chat room that work's on the sega dreamcast
Phantasy Star Online V.1 codes
Phantasy Star Online V.2 codes

Update:/5/11/03/Hi avery one as you can see im workin on it haha! yeah! pso players of the world all know me as Android 15 and {Adam} im makeing this site to them and to my up comeing new clan the {dragon riders} you all will soon know me as {CR}Bahamut well i best get back to working on this crazy site see ya on phantasy star online.

Update:/5/15/03 Hi peep's im starting to get my code list's in so just give me time ok? well things are going smooth as a baby's butt. Well i hope things get put up soon heh well back to work see ya peep's

Update:/5/20/03/ Ok guys i got two new links addd nto my site now i just got to get some good stuff put in them heh well now as you can see im going to put codes im thare for pso v.2&v.1 so be loking for them and ill also pritty soon have a image form so yu can look at all my grate images of dragon ball z pso and much mre! so please just keep comeing to my site tel your friend and famly about this site i want it to be the best well gota fun peep's see ya!

Update:/5/23/03/ Hi all you dudes on the web i got a new link its hidein in my web site can ya take a gues whare it is? lol ok ok ill tell you click your mouse on the big 3D images of majin bu it will take you to dragon ball arena i hope you injoy will i best get back to working on my site well bub bye for now.