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Machiavelli-The Prince

A Summary of Machiavelli

Unfortunately for you, this is not actually a site on Machiavelli, or even on philosophy, unless of course you consider my almost unintelligable jottings philosophy.

If you really actually need imformation on Machiavelli, I have included some links below so that you don't hold a grudge against this website and hate its creator forever...

...especially since I did this just to learn html.

If you have some time, a sense of humour, or a severe sense of masochism, (just kidding, it's not that bad) please, continue.

Thoughts on Fractals

Don't you think this background is cool? It's a fractal. Fractals are cool.

Fractal: any of various extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part is similar in shape to a given larger or smaller part when magnified or reduced to the same size (miriam-webster online dictionary)

That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, so for clarification...


So I think that means the same thing repeating within itself forever and getting smaller and smaller... Honestly I don't know how that translates into those really cool pictures, but I plan on finding out in the near future. I know it has something to do with math. Almost everything has to do with math. I hate math.

The Part Where I Guess Why You Are Still Here

OK, If you are still reading this I am guessing that either

A: You are extremely bored and just thought, "Hey, why don't I type in some random philosopher I don't know anything about and see if he did anything interesting." Congratulations player A, you have stumbled acros my webpage.

B: You were actually researching Machiavelli, but you are getting so bored with it you need a mind number for a while. (How can you get bored? Read "The Prince" and learn how to take over the world.)

C: You are hoping you might actually get some imformation off this page. Sorry. Aint gonna happen.

D:You are some one I know and I told you where this page is.

E:You are thinking to yourself, "I really should be getting back to my research, but the creator of this webpage is so incredibly witty, I just can't turn away!!!"

I know very few of you actually picked D, but I thought I would leave it there as an option.

This is my Attempt at a Message Board

I don't know how to create a real message board, so send any comments to and, please, if you hate me that much, don't waste your time. Keep it relatively pleasantish. I might even post some.

Me (hint one)
The point of this game is to guess where I live and where I come from.

I live in a different world. Perhaps you've been there.

I don't actually live there persay, but there are some of them around.


I love Venice. I really want to go there. I love Italy in general. I haven't actaully been there, but I want to. In fact, the only place in Europe I've ever been to is London. Considering this is my page, I think I will include some pictures of Venice.

Honestly, who can help loving a practicaly ancient city built on stilts with sewage problems? Other then the sewage part, I do...

The Part in which I have Included a Whole Bunch of Random Cool (or not) Pictures all of which i got off of google and take no credit for, please don't sue me!

(hint two)

I like the Jungle Book

dont run with scissors