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Important things in my life

The house we live in is a good place to start.
Isn't that paint job hideous?  LOL
We're going to paint it white w/ blue trim.  Someday.  :0)
My rose garden will go in the front dirt area where the big tree is.
(Smart aleck.  We're leaving the tree there.  lol)
Eventually, the driveway will be concrete and
I'll have some ornamentals in the flowerbeds along the house.

This was really cool.
I went straight out our back gate and walked up to the park fence to take this pic.  (The park is separated from our property by a 20 foot utility easement.)
The town fathers had the fire department do this to wet the grass before the evening's fireworks.
I thought it was a really fun, cool way to do it.  :)

We had a duck come visit our pool last summer.  Pretty rare in the desert.

As you can tell from her ears,
Rubi was pretty mad that she couldn't catch that tasty-looking lunch.  LOL

This is my younger son, Sam.
He's the one who's always trying to convince everyone that he's a snotty little <bleep>.  I know better than that though.  LOL
The kitten in his lap was his baby, Miki.
We lost him the week before Thanksgiving.
He died during the surgery to get "fixed."
Sam was devastated!  So much for snotty.

This is Yuri, Sam's new kitten.
And yes, she has an attitude to match her looks.
She can be the sweetest thing in the world,
then she turns into Psycho Killer Kitty!
I adopted her from a shelter that had cats at a cat show my folks and I were selling cat houses about a month ago.
Needless to say, Sam (my tough guy) adores her.  ROFL
And the feeling's mutual.  :)
(Her name is Japanese for lily.)

Meet Saba.  He's Miki's surviving brother and the reason I got another kitten.
You see, Saba was born last April and all of our other cats are at least 3 years old.  So, he desperately needed a playmate.  So, Sam got a new cat and Saba got a playmate.  Yuri runs his life and he loves it.
Saba is a goofy cat who likes to lay sprawled flat out on his back.
That never fails to crack me up.
I named him and the boys still laugh at me for it.
His name is Japanese for mackerel.
Well, he's mackerel-striped.  LOL

This a mug shot of my oldest, Randell.
He's the one who got me onto NeoPets and said he'd help you out with the Battledome if you're still interested.
He's the gentlest person you could ever want to meet 
so naturally, I'm sending him into the Marine Corps.  LOL
He's not leaving until mid-summer so you'll probably leave for a camp before he does if you want to learn about the Battledome.

Randell has 2 cats.  This is Rubi.
She decided to climb up and lay on the dish towels one night.
I still haven't figured out how she got the door open.
I opened the door all the way to take this pic when I found her.
She's the family lover girl.  If you walk on 2 legs, she loves you.  LOL
She was a stray that I picked as a kitten after she was dumped off in a parking lot one night.  She walked into our upholstery class and chose me so I brought her home and we've never regretted it.
Shaken our heads a few times, (like when we found out that she loves lettuce  lol) but never any regret.
We've had for almost 4 years now.

Randell's other cat is Savannah.
She's about 15 years old now.  We were at a pet expo last year and he kept hanging out at the building where all the animal shelters had their adoption animals.  He fell in love with her so we ended up adopting her.
She has one green eye and the other is brown.
She's nearly blind in one eye.
She has the oddest voice... she kind of squeaks.
She absolutely hates other cats.
She's the fattest cat I've ever met.  You can't really see it in this pic but she got a huge belly.  Looks like she swallowed a bowling ball  LOL
But she adores Randell and there's something oddly cute about her.
I think it's partly the trusting way she looks at people.
And she's very affectionate to people in her own peculiar way.

Lots of important people here.
From left to right:
my Mom: my grand-daughter, Shayla; my Dad and my adopted daughter, Dani.  Dani's English just like my husband, John.
Last year we thought John might have cancer so Dani and Shayla came out from Mississippi to see us.  It was lovely to see them again as we hadn't seen them for a year.  Dani & her husband, Cory are expecting another baby in May.
I'm really excited about having another grand-daughter.
Yeah, we know already.  :)
Dani has been my saving grace and is my best friend.
Shayla can be adorable but then she can be Brat Child.
That's normal since she'll be 3 next month.  LOL

This is Cory, our son-in-law.
I took this photo the last night we saw him.
He had just graduated from recruiter school and had made honor grad in his class.
His reward from the Marine Corps was the sword you can just see at his side.  He thought that was cool because he would have had to spend $300 to get it himself.
We're pretty proud of him and yes, he'll be handling Randell's enlistment.  Gotta trust family to do you right.  :)

I  love this picture of Shayla.
This is from when they were out here last year.
She was helping Grand-dad make cookies.  I don't think she minded her job at all.  ROFL

Oh alright... That's John's Mum with my Mom.
Dora drives me crazy but then isn't that a mother-in-law's job?  LOL

Back to something I like better... my cats.  LOL
This is actually John's cat and his name really is Black Cat.
We think he's 9-10 years old, maybe older.
I found him under a trailer we were living in over 3 years ago in the beginning of winter.  It was waaaay out in the nowheres, he was starving and had been declawed so naturally I brought him in and we've had him ever since.
He's huge.  23 pounds and not an ounce of fat on him, just a long lean cat.
He can actually stand on the kitchen floor and reach up onto the counter top.
Heaven help John when he decides to have "gut parts."
(John likes liver and kidney which is fine by me.
He and the cats can eat my share.  LOL)

Last cat... (were you starting to think I was running a cattery here?  lol)
This is Neighbor... as you can see, he's my cat.
Okay, I'd better explain the name.
When we moved here 3 years ago, there was an older kitten that would come over from down the street.  For lack of anything to call him, Randell dubbed him, "Neighbor" because he was the neighbor's cat.  Well, he stopped being a cute little kitten so they stopped feeding him and kept him outdoors all the time.  He started to go feral but we realized what was happening and adopted him.  He's been my baby ever since.
He's not the brightest light on the string but he's lovable.
He adopted Saba as his baby and it's funny to watch this big old tomcat mothering a full grown kitten. See what I mean?

I think I'll end this with a picture I took from the front yard.
It was last year and we were just clearing off from some storms.

I hope you enjoyed the little foray into my life, Kristina.  :)