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Outside the Tavern of the Purple Monkey

You may find the most stylish disreputable places such as the Mended Drum in Ankh-Morpork, Discworld,* or perhaps the most wretched hive of scum an villainy, such as Mos Eisley Space Port, Tatoonie,** but none hold the candle to the Tavern of the Purple Monkey, Fire Point Village, on Fire Point Mountain. To enter, simply push aside the bead curtain. There used to be a door, but Zerbinetta got very drunk one night and, well, put a curse on it. It screamed and ran, taking up residency at some poor sod's bordello.

* Terry Pratchett, Discworld Series

** Star Wars, what did you think?

***DISCLAIMER: Some pages may contain violence, adult language, sexual situations, and all the good stuff in life. So don't come bitch to me about it.