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SIGN UP!!! Keep this page open!!! Email me to join!

Welcome to the Outwar ThugBuilder for The Shadow Khan [RP]. Even though this is a crew thugbuilder we are still welcoming others. This method is proven to add size and strength to your outwar account.
Simply leave this browser open, and begin the ThugBuilder! One popup of a member from the database will appear every five minutes. Visit this page daily and watch the stats you contribute to the outwar database change.
As the size of the database increases, the number of people viewing YOUR outwar page will increase as well, translating into a bigger gang, more money and more power!
So pass this link on to all the people who you know!

Do not go to any other secret links during you visit on this site! It will mess up the cycle and you will not get credit for your hits.


Want to Join? PM me:Prophet90 on yahoo messenger.

Got a suggestion to make this thugbuilder better? Email me it! I will take it into consideration!

THE SHADOW KHAN: warriors of the shadows