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Sadira Montefort

Sadira Montefort was born in the year 1566 BC. was in the year 1548 she gained the attention of one of the Brujah's that had taken to the area she lived in as his territory. After watching her for a year he decided she would be worth making his childer, the fact another clan that of the Ventrue was looking to soon sire her as well caused his decision. Upon the night of All Hallows Eve on the way home with her family from the family Crypt she had trailed behind some, and when she was grabbed none heard the muffled scream thanks to the distance she had placed between herself and them. She had been grabbed by Marick as he liked to be called. She being at the time a mortal human had no chance to escape his strong grip as he lifted her from the ground and carried her away. Though terrified of what was going on she somehow had remained calm, she could tell she couldn't break his hold, she wasn't strong enough, But she was smart, she waited for him to relax his grip some and then she rocked her head back knocking it into his nose, It wasn't pain but suprise which made him release her. As soon as her feet struck the ground she jerked away from him, still suprised he lost his hold upon her and she tore off in a dead run away from him. He had brought her back to the crypts, a place she knew like the back of her hand. A dark grin formed upon his face at the thought of this ensuing chase, and then he began hunting her down, During this hunt she endeared herself to him more and more with the violent traps she somehow set in such short times. When he finally caught her it was when she had gained site of the exit of the crypts, She found herself stopped in her tracks as he grabbed her by the upper arms from behind and lifted her no longer worried about a scream being heard, He turned her about as he bared his fangs which gleamed in the moonlight. He spoke in gutteral tones, "Now you are mine". He was so pleased with himself for taking this girl from his enemy, he held her against him with one arm, his other arm freed would be put to a different use as he grabbed her head and pulled it to the side bareing her neck, She no longer tried to scream she had lost the abiliry thanks to fear. He bit into her neck roughly tearing the flesh more than even was his normal he was so excited, Much of that red blood of hers was waisted, though he drank her nearly dry, He then raised his head her blood dripping from his chin, and raised his wrist to his mouth ripping his wrist open with a fang, He grinned darkly at her and pressed the open wound to her mouth and spoke once more, "Drink and Live". As his blood slid past her lips it burned her throat she choked a moment and then sucked greedly upon his wrist as he smiled at her now as if she were his child, which she soon would be, he pulled his wrist from her mouth when she neared draining him to much and then held her still as she thrashed in his arms wanting free once more, soon enough the pain would send her into the blissful darkness brought on by passing out. She awoke in the darkness of one of the crypts ravenious, he had left her a "gift", In the room with her was two young men perhaps fourteen years old, she shook her head as she heard there hearts beating in a fast pace from fear as she sat up and looked at them, then she lunged from the stone she had been laying upon tackling down the largest of the two. Her hunger was so great she near ripped his head fully off his shoulders as she jerked his head to the side, she didn't care about that though her mouth was lowered to the vein which pumped his blood into the air, The other boy was watching shaking and whimpering in fear he knew already there was no escape, As soon as she finished she dropped the body and turned to the survivor, she was a little calmer now as she had feasted upon his friend, He simply closed his eyes as she approached him and lifted him from the ground, her mouth lowering to the side of his neck which she would rip off with her fangs and then feast once more filling herself as she needed to be. As she dropped his body the door to the crypt she was in would open and moonlight would fill it fully. As she looked to the door her gaze came upon her sire who spoke, "Well done my child...It is time I told you what you are now". It took the rest of the night but he told her everything about what she now was.
From that point on her life was very different, The Ventrue had taken to wanting her sire dead for taking what one of there elders had laid a stake upon, for fifteen years he taught her as they traveled from place to place, never staying for to long. With time the price upon her sires head grew in amount, until finally even the Assemites were willing to track him down. What was strange though was as the Assemites were closing in suddenly the bounty was dropped. They found out the reason why a few months afterwards, it was due to the "untimely" demise of the Ventrue who had put out the bounty in the first place. Finally after nearly a hundred years they found themselves able to remain in one place, something she was not used to after spending the majority of her life constantly moving from place to place. They at the time had setlled in what would later be known as Greenland. A cold harsh place but one where death was common and so deaths and dissaperances among those who lived upon the island were easily explained away. Of course though they did not stay there long enough to be discovered to be anything but simple humans who occasionally came into towm for supplies. It was about twenty years later they decided it was finally time to leave.
They decided to travel by ship of course joining one of the rare ships which ever dared leave site of the island. It was during this trip that she decided eventually her sire would have to die. Why? It was simple he had taken even more of a liking to her over the years they had spent together and though she had been able to keep him at bay where there was room and such things upon this ship she had no choice but to bunk with him. He was a unusual specimine of his kind for that age, he enjoyed pain and causing it in others, as they had been placed in the same small cabin upon the ship nightly as they first woke he would take to torturing her in his fashion. He would wound her with small wounds each night letting small amounts of her blood esccape, she had been so very careful to not use any of her disciplines or do anything that would cause a undo use of the blood in her system, the crew upon the ship was sparse and the could not afford to feed often, he had warned her if she fed without his permission he would kill her. And so she had to fight the encroachment of the beast upon her, the struggle grew harder and harder each night until Finally Merick would allow her to feed with the warning to Not kill the one she fed from. She was always so very careful, she wanted to make it someplace where she could get away from her cruel sire. It was months before they came within site of land thanks to the storms which raged upon the seas during the time they chose to travel. The crew began to slowly waste away from lack of food other than fish, many grew sick with disease from the severe lack of nutrition, and still others started growing delierious from such small amounts of water which did not have sea salt in it. They decided they would slowly kill off the crew taking the weakest first and the least deseased. The crews moral began to sink more and more with each passing day with each man they found dead in his bunk. Until finally they had all but givin up. It was at this time five months into the voyage that they came upon the site of land, all that was left of the crew was the captain, three crew members, Merick and Sadira, Just enough to keep the ship going properly. They aimed for the land that they saw and came to dock offshore the anchor dropped to keep the ship in place. All of them went onto shore taking note of the fact that they found signs of other humans, such was found in the form of arrowheads and the like. That night the Captain decided to allow them all to celebraite the Last keg of Ale was taken off the ship and brought to shore, And the four men who were left of the crew were soon enough drunk as can be about the fire. Merick had told Sadira as they had gotten the Keg that once the Kine were all drunk they to would eat drink and be merry...This would be the last night the four ever saw alive. With the first of the morning rays came the site of the four men laying dead at the edge of the sea as if they had washed up on the shore, no trace of them ever having been upon the land existed. And that is how Sadira and Merick came to the land which would be later known as England.
They traveled the area of Europe and Asia for many years staying together for one reason, and one reason only. Her desire to learn as much from him about what she could do and needed to know as possible. It took quite some time for her to learn all the things she desired, almost two hundred years in fact. During that time they spent together they traveled the length and breadth of "England" in its entirety twice over. During this time they stayed very few places longer than a few months at maximum. It was during this time he had taught her as much as he could, Including that which would end up being his demise, It was in the year 1246 B.C that she slayed him in the way he had taught her was the one that none would do unless they were completly depraved. She commited the act of Diablerie. He had toemrnted her marked her even during the time she had been with him and one warm summer night she had finally decided she had had enough of it, They were traveling alone as usual heading to the next town of many that they had been to so long ago. It was that night he decided to not only do his usual tormentings of her, his pinching and and slapping and the like as they rested, he decided to do something he had not done before. He decided he wanted to hear her scream and he decided the best way to do that would be to do something he had never before done to her. He used that bond he had with her from her nieve trust in him as she could not be bonded by blood to get her to do what he wanted, she allowed him to bind her hands behind her back telling her he just wanted to see if she still trusted him after all this time. Using her trust against her he suprised her and wrestled her to the ground, he was stronger than she was as he held claim to being extensively older than she was, he was one of the rare twisted Brujah of these times. Upon his pinning her to the ground so that she could not move he'd grin down at her before leaning down to whisper to her... "I'm going to make you scream like you've never screamed before tonight", he then sat up some still holding her down before ripping her clothing a simple dress white leather right down the center from chin to feet. Her eyes widened as he did that, she couldn't believe it, he wouldn't would he?..But he did He had learned from one of the Tzimisce how to "get it up" when he so wanted, and Feel it when he did. And that was just what he did, he forced himself upon her, in the near four hundred years of her life she had never known a man in such a way...she had Never lain with a man before. She had the misfortune of her sire being a rather large man and he tore her more than anyone else perhaps would have, Breaking through the Hymen which had survived so many years, streaching her, She screamed as he wanted, screamed like she never had before in all her years, The pain was something she had never felt before, add to the fact he was so large and she had up until then still been a virgin with the fact he did not try to arouse her in the slightest and perhaps you would begin to understand just what he caused her that night. When he tired of her screams and had enjoyed himself so much that he could no longer do such he would move from her letting her stop trying to scream, her voice had gone hoarse she had screamed so very long. She sobbed to herself never expecting him to do that to her, tears of blood fell down her cheeks as he untied her and then threw her new clothing from the pack speaking in harsh tones, "Get cleaned up and dressed we need to make it to the haven before dawn." He was so cold and uncaring about what he had done, she suddenly stopped her crying and dressed once more as if nothing was wrong the rags of her old dress used to whipe the blood tears from her cheeks. And they began heading off towards the new haven...But he would not reach there..not now or ever, As they traveled she had fumed and grown madder and madder at him until in a rage she attacked him from behind, leaping upon his back to bury her fangs into his neck ripping it wide open a huge chunk being torn free as she ripped her head back as he punched at her. "Now its your turn to suffer Marick". He was stunned she would dare attack him and so reacted to late to the situation to preserve his unlife, His blood sprayed from the wound she had caused, she took to burying her fangs back into the flesh once more and feeding furiously from his form, He had to little blood, even his frenzying held no help for him in the end she held him tightly from moving, And then as the last of that blood was drained began the battle of will's would he survive by taking her over?..or would she win out and have commited the ultimate act of evil for her kind? Truth be told she didn't know herself but nor did she think about it, She simply faught with that which was his essence, and won so great was her anger at him. His body turned to dust as she released it, the ashes blowing upon the wind as she purred at her newfound strength she had gained from slaying him. She did not continue on to the Haven though she knew better, with what she had done she vanished for quite some time from the area going to a seashore town and leaving England alltogether for a while.
More to come later...

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Sadira Realistic pics
Amy Ricari Another character
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Little bit about WW Vampires
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Description of the Fang Club
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