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Name: Rache Kimrykson - 20th Level Barbarian
Race: Human Place of Birth: Renshai

Weight: Height: 7'6 Age: 34
Alignment: Neutral



Skills: Balance (+15); Intimidate (+14); Jump (+21); Knowledge - Religion (+5); Listen (+18); Ride (+21); Swim (+4); Wilderness Lore (+16)

Feats: Alertness; Ambidexterity; Blind-Fight; Combat Reflexes; Deflect Arrows; Exotic Weapon (Dwarven War Axe); Great Fortitude; Improved Crit (Dwarven War Axe); Improved Initiative; Improved Unarmed Strike; Lightning Reflexes; Two-Weapon Fighting.

Languages: Common; Dwarven

Class Features:

Equipment: Two Dwarved War Axes (Master Works) - The rest he doesn't really care about.

Residence: An apartment above the Doom Lounge

Friends: Fafnir Savage ; Caitrin O'Leary


Background: Rache is from a small Norse tribe called the Renshai. The Renshai were hunted down and slaughtered by a coalition of the other Norse tribe because they were TOO VIOLENT (This is like a sage saying someone talks too much!) The Renshai worshipped Sif, Norse Goddess of Battle (and farming, and fertility, plus a few other things), Modi Thorrson, (God of Rage), and Odhinn (Allfather). They pray by engaging in battle or weapons practice. When an extra 'boost' is needed in battle, they can enter a berserker state (foaming at the mouth; weird, haunting laughter; the whole nine yards) by screaming the name "MODI". They begin weapons training as soon as they are old enough to hold a toy sword or axe, usually before they can walk. Their fighting style is a flowing, sweeping, dancing style which is startlingly beautiful to watch, and devilishly difficult to emulate or defend against.

The other Norse tribes (and some Dwarves) think that the Renshai's uncanny skill with weaponry and their racial characteristic of slow aging (Rache appears to be in his early 20's, rather than mid-30's) stems from an unholy alliance with demons. Also their habit of naming children after fallen heroes who have gone on to Valhalla can give an outsider the impression of immortality. The Renshai believe that fighting at a distance (with ranged weapons, magic, etc) or hiding behind armor is cowardly and will never engage in these practices. They tend to treat those who do with contempt, but Rache is attempting to be open-minded about other's failings. Rache is among a very few survivors of the slaughter of the Renshai. They were all off on a trade mission, and returned to find their kith destroyed. They separated, swearing a holy oath before Odhinn and Sif that they would find a land where they could rise to strength again. Rache made his way to Vinland, coming down the coast to Praxis, where he had a small incident with the city guard. The outcome was that he has been sentenced to guard duty for 2 years, interrupting his search for a new homeland. Whether or not he can stand this long of a pause in his quest, or this long in a city full of Southron heretics, remains to be seen.

Personality: Tends to be quiet and self absorbed, unless there is an opportunity for violence, when he becomes a whirlwind of death. He will never turn down a fight, always seeking to improve himself by fighting more and more competent fighters (or just greater numbers, that works too)

Note: The Renshai race (and Rache's name) were lifted from Mickey Zucker Reichert's series The Last of the Renshai. Excellent series, hope he takes my use of some of his concepts as the flattery it is intended to be