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Dragon's Poetry

Electric Screaming

Electric screaming
Ripping the wires
Leaning on the wall
And looking through the world
Warmth on the walls
Surrounding an infra red signal
Hello there gorgeous
I have answered to your call
I like the way you walk
You’re something, you know that?
You’re something.
Something I could really sink my teeth into.
What’s a girl like you
Doing in a place like this?
I’m certain others could say
Steaming up my glasses
And forcing blood to boil
Over the sides
See me shaking?
Catch the bass, hon, catch the bass.
Pulse it.
Don’t forget, next time
When you come back
You should change that dress
Dye those clothes
They really should be a little more red
And a little less white.


Is it true that
As swords
If one lives by the word
Then one dies by the word as well?
To survive with stories
Of ancient victories
And older losses
Is it proper to adhere to
A forbidden worlds laws?
To follow its derelict highways
And take hallowed signs
Flashing in head lights
At face value?
Whose face are we watching?
The one with a sword,
The one with a word,
Or the one with a reason?

Lover’s Kiss

People are often afraid of what I do
And I try to tell them not to be.
It’s not frightening.
It’s not alien or dangerous.
It’s so very warm to me
So intimate of a friend
It’s not for them to look at me
I don’t want that
And never have on this side of space.
I long for it as companions do
The bite that tears the flesh
A lovers kiss.

Jadeite Tide

I took the clock off the wall,
When you're picture fell
From the golden suns
And the azure moon.
I dedicate this night to you
Where the face stays down
And the hands don't move.
The hands won't move.
Hands that misled me.
Hands that erased me.
The raindrops that once sheltered me so warmly
In a hollow shroud
Will never taste quite the same.
And the ocean that I followed
Will never ebb again.
Drowning in the jadeite tide.
Mouthing the words into the air,
Hoping that my prayer can reach someone
Who needs to hear it.
Tears of smoke
To match my grayer complexion
Make rings around my eyes.
And the hands don't move.


Running down the hallway,
I let myself fall down,
Just to revel in the pain from my knees.
I rise, and fall into a chair.
The tears fall onto my naked chest,
And mix with the blood there,
Stinging the still-open wounds.
I raise my fists to the ceiling
And howl my anguish to the empty walls.
Even after all that I have seen,
Why do I never understand?

Watch Closely

Are you there?
Sleeping as light as you show?
Are you watching me through slitted eyes,
Just as I am watching you?
This isn’t the first time I’ve stood here,
Just out of reach.
You’re innocent now,
Gliding on wings of dark.
You have left us all behind.
How vulnerable you are...
I see you,
Your eyes closed,
The rise and fall of your breathing a hypnotic rhythm.
But while you’re there,
And I am here,
I realize at last:
If I were to leave,
I could always take you with me.
Your warmth taken,
Your innocence stolen,
I could, at last,
Make you mine.

Eternal Dreams

Is it so wrong to dream of death,
To sleep eternal dreams?
If that is of such evil,
And frowned on as it is,
Like a worm of lowest earth,
Why is it that all I aim to have,
And all that I am capable of having,
Is all that you have left to me?


They’re always empty, the pages.
They can be covered in slashes of words.
Smeared with ink and wishful thinking.
The lines can be buried under piles of emptiness,
Hopes, lies, dreams, deceptions.
The hardest to see through is the blood.
Hardest to wipe from the page.
Discern the ink and the life,
Separate the hope and despair.
Sometimes, the dirt and the grime will mix.
The lies become wilder, more willing.
The pen runs dry, the blood writes on.
Wishes written in life,
Written on flesh.

Then it fades.
Everything dries, and people can see.
Beyond the smears, the smudges,
Into the white.
And the longer they stare
Trying to find truth, a sign of reality,
More can be seen.
And through it all,
Ink, dirt, blood, lies, tears,
Only one fact is totally certain:
It all means nothing.
The pages remain blank.

In the Rough

Star washed beauty,
Where do you belong?
Surely not here, amid the twisted and the broken.
You frighten us with your purity.
Your very eyes could free souls,
The souls that need it...
Deserve it...
Your lips could call mountains, if only you asked them.
And you hold back.
Your abstinence, both kind and cruel,
Has made you this rare.
This different.
This amazing.

You still stand,
Inside the heart of the beast,
The eye of the storm,
The rage of the waves,
Your power evident to all.
You provide hope for us,
The warped, the mad.
Protect us,
Defend us from ourselves,
Our hunters.
Stand above us.

I wonder about you
Diamond in the rough,
The forgotten angel.
Let the world fall away,
And begin again.

Buying Life

No one knows why,
Haven’t given up yet.
No longer try,
Blood tears and sweat.
Connections of flesh,
Stronger than thought?
Mind gives a rest,
Life can be bought.

Returning to Earth,
Returning to Life.
Fiery rebirth
Back into the light.
From the darkness I came,
No longer a child.
Mind yet untamed,
Still distant and wild.

Cold in the heart,
Heat in the air.
Bringing the start.
Safety nowhere.
Danger surrounds,
Disbelief: ever.
Colors are sounds.
Love makes you shiver.

Hard to control,
Larger than life.
Time makes you old,
But not always right.
Out of the nothing,
Hope can be wrought,
Always one showing...
Life can be bought.

Light Hearted

What lies beneath your eyes
In the depths of the light?
That’s more important, you know.
Some think the darkness is more mysterious.
The great unknown, they call it.
The deep dark recesses...
How silly.
The dark isn’t alien.
Not for the speakers of the truth,
The ones who do not shrink at their own souls.
To them, the abyss is always the same.
Flowing, but never truly changing.

The light is what frightens.
Blind and stumbling,
We search through the void.
Finding nothing, of course.
We trip, we fall
Over ourselves.
Trying to find a truth.
Truth that doesn’t exist.

Truth is warm,
Truth is hard.
Truth is never where you found it.
Truth takes life, takes hope.
Takes mind.
Truth banishes the light.
And when it’s over, all that’s left
Are the bruises from the light.
Bruises you can’t see anyway.

Editing by Amelia

Lo, what here is left for us,
Wanderers of the these lands?
Touring ‘bout the most lost mists,
Sifting through the sands?

Lo, what there began with us,
Players of the game?
Lost within the diamond nights,
Changing to be the same.

Lo, what after comes to us,
Forsaken ‘mid the bless’d?
Strength of heart is ever near,
Brought to fail the test.

This was another of those late night oddities. Completed at 11:58 PM.

Low Relief in Gold
Sit with me here. Rest.
There is something I need to show you.
I’ve kept it for so long, sometimes
I cannot tell anything about it.
Here, sit, I’ll bring it to you.
It is time, I think.
It is safe.
It has been a long time, indeed.
It’s sat too long on that darkened shelf, if you ask me.
Far too long since it has seen the light.
I’ve kept it here, locked away in this box
Is it not beautiful?
The box, I mean.
Notice the grain, notice the color.
Feel how smooth it is!
I’ve cared for this box a great deal.
It’s contents... not as much.
At times, they lie forgotten,
And we only see the cover, the prison.
The lid and the lock.
But now,
Thanks to you,
The lock can fall away,
And the cold, clean air can breathe it life.
Here, guide my hand,
Help me with your key.
I do shake so much.
Don’t mind the hinges,
Stiff, screaming old things.
Ah, now! Look!
Come close, come near.
I know it may be hard.
It is a scarred, dark, and ugly thing, is it not?
There, you see?
It is not so bad
When you know it.

Hold it?
Actually take it?
No, no. I don’t think that is
Wait! No...
Please, I beg of you, be careful!
It is hard to handle, hard to hold, hard to keep!
You’ve hurt it.
You’ve taken it and thrown it down!
Look at my box! At my prison!
Look at my lock! My defenses!
Look at them all!
What have you done?!?
Why? Why now? Why me?!
I trusted you!
I told you all!
And then...then...just look...
Wait! No!
For the sake of a sobbing old man, no!
Where are you going?
Why do you choose now
To be the time when you walk away?


Falling, sifting, twining
Hairlines of existence
None of which I knew.
What are these?
Worlds made of men
I’ve never known.
Made for me.
Simply to
Explore at my whim.
Colors are blending,
Making yet another.
Fatigue clouds my eyes
Until the darkness breaks the fall of my mind.
And just before the cushy depths take me,
I hear a softness
In the night


What is left here,
In this ancient, forgotten place?
The walls are riddled with holes,
The floor creaks and the boards are warped and rotten in their places.
Beauty lingers ever here.
Portraits that hung on these hooks,
Tapestries and paintings,
Pictures made from mens souls,
They once hung here,
And their shadows still venture, sometimes,
Into the daylight hours,
And stand again in their magnificence.
Against the dinge and the grime that covers these walls,
They grow.
Men of years and ages gone walk these long empty aisles.
Their bootheels echo and call to me.
Lost, empty sounds,
From somewhere in the dark.
Clock, clock, clock.
Sometimes they come close to here,
Many of them,
With their paintings and pictures,
Belltones and boots,
And stand in front of me here,
Leaving fading footprints in the dust.
And watch, all of them staring
Into the nothing.
They turn and walk away,
Disappearing into the shafts of silverlight
Filtering through the broken windows.
And sometimes,
Late at night,
When the floors creak and the rafters shift,
Dropping sifts of dust,
When the ghosts of men are sleeping,
And I am lying awake,
I draw forward, into the darkness,
And draw the blade of lies I forged,
Forged when I was one of them,
Walking the aisles and admiring the colors.
I draw that blade, and pull it across the parchment,
Scrawling my words of empty, lying apology,
Letting the droplets of red ooze from the lines,
And fall to the floor.
They stay there, for a time,
And then they fade,
Like the footprints in the dust.

Shapes in the Dust

Things get dusty, after a time.
It is necessary for one to remove that stifling coating,
And see what is underneath
That was forgotten so long ago.
I wish to thank you for showing me to that aged bookshelf, where I kept my most precious things.
The things I always kept hidden away,
Far from the occasional visitor, and gloated o'er in the night hours,
I smiled and cackled at how well preserved the things I had were,
Sitting under their glass protection, cased in plastic and boxes.
I threw everything I had at that bookcase, that display, to try to open it, even the slightest crack.
I got nowhere.
And so it was safe.
Others tried to come here,
In the night,
Sometimes in front of me,
And tried the latch and rattled the doors and tried to break into my precious things, my treasures!
I laughed at them and their attempts,
And they ran from me,
Into the night.
Some crying for themselves and maybe,
Just maybe,
Some for me;
That I had these treasures
So locked away
And hidden so discreetly behind wall after wall. And then there came you.
You vicious, tenacious thing.
You broke into my haven, and tore through my walls of stone,
Of impenetrable everything! and stole quietly to my bookcase.
I was weak and slow, and could not follow you there.
When I finally reached you, standing there,
My case had been opened,
And my books and treasures and beloved things had been spilled onto the floor,
And the dust had been settled from them, making shapes
On the polished wood. And there you stood, silently, somberly.
And in that moment of anguish,
With my broken latch and shattered walls,
I knew that I loved you.

The First Snowfall of the Season

Stumbling down the corridors-
A dark and twisted path-
I find the night caressing.
Red lights blink at me in the distance,
And I think of you.
You with your promises,
You with your lies.
Thinking leads to seeing,
And then there you stand,
Drenched in my blood.
You say only one word, then silence.
The night, it seems, welcomes you as well.
We stand together,
One of us a joker, one of us a taker,
One of us both,
We creatures of the night.
The sound of your heart tears at my eyes.
I look upon you finally,
See you as I knew you to be.
And amid the warm, gross night,
The tinkling of the glass,
You fall from here,
And I stumble on.
I see doorways now. So many...
Some are marked,
Some blaze to me in the darkness.
The light hurts my eyes.
I know where I am.
I reach out to one, try the handle,
Find it locked. Always.
So, now am I.
In the night,
Eternal night,
Standing in broken glass and stale stolen blood from long, long ago,
I laugh at what I see,
And what I have seen,
Even the flashing of the tiny red lights.

I wrote this recently, and I believe it's the longest true form of poetry ever to pass from my fingers. It starts simply enough, just speaking, then it swithces to two people talking, in my mind sort of. I feel a connection to it, so if I may form an opinion of my work, it is one of my favorites, maybe for the story in it, or just some of the closest real explanations for my mind, the best closure I have. I don't know. But I hope someone likes it. Maybe.


Looking back, I see myself,
Lying in the sun.
My head opens up,
And like a cloth my past spills
Onto the hard baked sand.
Funny how there's no moisture here.
Just the sun, the sky, the sand, the memories.
Memories of somewhere but here.
I start looking...
For anything.
A sign maybe?
A start?
An end?
I find something.
But it won't let go.
"I" won't let go.
Neither will I.
Off it comes.
And I remember...

A: God, she was beautiful, wasn't she?
B: Oh, you know she still is.
B: Don't lie to yourself.
A: She wasn't so long ago.
B: She was forever ago!
B: Hell, she never was for you.
A: She said she loved me...
B: Let go! She lied! Don't you realize?!
B: They always lie!

And it falls.
Wasted from my fingers.
Never meant to survive for long.
I search again.
Still not sure what to look for,
But knowing what I'll find.

A: I remember here. I didn't want to leave.
B: Home was never here.
B: Home was always inside your head,
B: Where not even you could get inside!
A: We used to have a chimney...
A: And a tree over there, by the fence...
B: Why do you take the time to fail like this?

Another used memory.
Funny how they never came forward before.
Not even willingly now.
Getting harder to ignore the truth.
These are his memories.
And he is me.
They don't belong to either of us.

A: Wow. So many people.
A: Look at how they laugh.
A: I love that, doing that.
B: You don't love anything.
A: They were laughing because of me.
A: And it's ok this time.
B: You can't love anything.
B: Won't let yourself, remember?
B: Time has been kind on you, weak one.

Back to the wasteland.
Still more to see in my puddle of past.
Colors start shifting...
Are my eyes falling, failing?
Or did they before?
The memories are all the same now.
Doesn't matter which I choose.
They'll all be

A: Why's it so dark?
B: Here we are at last!
B: The final! The end! Look long. Look HARD!
B: For this is your undoing!
A: Something in my hand.
B: You never knew, did you?
A: It's cold.
B: You never realized?!?
A: What am I doing?
A: Why do my hands shake so?
B: You're not meant to see this!
A: I don't know what I'm doing...
B: Don't stay here!


Now it's taken from me.
Ripped from my own hands.
What he doesn't realize is that I heard.
Heard his rants.
Felt his fists hammering into my mind.
And finally, out of all of that,
The thing he didn't realize the most...
Is that through it all...

I knew the end.

Dark, Silent, Still

I listened intently,
And heard a deafening nothing.
A nothing so large it absorbed all sound.
No one ventured into it,
No one tried to break it.
It simply stood, large and foreboding.
Controlling me.
Then, slowly, silence combined with stillness,
Then stillness to darkness,
And I was left alone again,
Blindly groping for a someone, an anyone.
I stumbled across what I used to be, and I understood why.
Why I was alone, dark and silent and still.
And I wished, more than anything,
The silence could be broken,
And the cold could leave my heart,
And I could be warm and free again.

Bloody Hands

You ask me to touch you? Why?
Do you not see the blood on my hands?
For I have killed, oh yes, many times.
Not in body, for my victims live on.
But they are dead.
In their souls and hearts they are dead,
But only in part.
In such a way that their pain haunts them still.
Sometimes, the darkness within them holds them in full,
Frightening them.
And I can feel their pain, their torment.
Their tears, hot stinging tears.
And all because of me.
And you ask me to touch you?
Do you not fear me?
Please, do not ask this of me!
Don’t let me befoul your beauty with my hands,
My bloody, bloody hands.
Run from me! Save yourself and run!
Do not linger, I may be tempted to hold you.
To know your scent, your taste. I may hunt you,
And, then again,
I may darken your hands, too.
Stain them a hideous crimson.
For I know that you, too, shall leave, in time.
And I know that when you do, I will die.
You ask me to touch you?
My dear, do not let me.
For I already love you too much
To allow these hands, these bloody, bloody hands,
To hold you as we both wish they could.


From this crumpled paper I find an existence.
Mind is too gone; too weak to resist this.
Harder to breathe, vision is small.
Hands getting weak, THIS CANNOT BE ALL!
Your kiss comes to mind, dreaming awake.
Your voice is here, too. So those are the stakes?
Take all my shards, whisk them away,
I know that, somehow, you will lose them someday.
And remember then, with sadistic glee,
When the last becomes lost, you shattered me!

Pain and Fear

Pain and Fear are my closest friends.
Followed next by Illusions and Lies.
Do you know Sadness?
Or maybe Seclusion?
I went to school with them.
No, I’ve never met Friendship.
No, not Love either, though I’ve heard of them.
Are they nice friends to have?
How can that be the truth sometimes?
Ah, I see.
Friendship is Lies brother.
Love and Pain go way back.

Say, that reminds me...

Have you ever met Anger?
How ‘bout Loneliness, or Hate?

I am them.
I am them all.
Black, dark, I accept them into me.

You say you know me. If that’s true.....

You must know them well enough by now.

I Remember

I remember your hair,
Soft, flowing, almost mysterious.
I remember your voice,
Warm, quiet, comforting.
I remember your beliefs,
And the wrong I could not do, but always did.
I remember your face with fondness,
Though you may believe that I don’t.
I remember remembering,
And the scars it can leave.

But also the life it can bring.

And I remember you,
The you I know,
The you you wish you could be.
I remember them all.
And in them, I remember,
Above all else,
Your beauty.

The Battle Between the Dark and the Light

In the battle between the Dark and the Light,
One side the day, one side the night,
One side is hopes in the shape of dreams,
The other is a shadow, movement, no seams.
An oil black mass that blocks out the sun.
Fears and doubts come together as one.

The other is purity, an innocent soul.
A snow-white dove, a flowering knoll.
They fight when they have to,
In numbers they're strong.
The air seems to shimmer; the wind sighs a song.

Dragons in front, leading the way.
Even in Darkness, scales glow like day.
Phoenixes next, wings blinding blaze.
Minds set on ending Nights fearful ways.
Next come the elves, astride on white steeds.
Bows are their weapons, arrows: great deeds.

Runners start first, armour is black,
Forcing the Light not too fight back.
Then come the demons, souls that command,
And yet the light maintains its stand.
Next too are dragons, though darker in color.
They use deceit, the others use valor.

For every action, thought or deception,
All lead to a warrior’s conception.
Whether an elf of the Day, or evils child,
Day will grow stronger, Dark becomes wild.

And in the dreams you dream at night, onward battle the Dark and the Light.

The Worst Part Of All

The tears flow freely down my face,
Right in front of you, and you ask why.

Why isn’t as much a problem
As the fact that after all the years I’ve spent with you,
And all the times I’ve looked at you,
And all the ways I’ve talked to you

And Listened to you,
It’s been more like hearing myself.
The love must shine from my eyes,
All see it, all know it.
All but you.
And that is why I cry for you.
The way I love you is more than words
More than I know, at least.

But I cannot hold you,
Can never touch your face,
Or see you smile at me like that.
These tears are for you,
And you cannot know, you must not now,
And that’s the worst part of all.
