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FreeFlashIntros.com: Free Flash Intros, Games, Buttons, Websites, Tutorials, Movies, Generators, Open Source FLA's, Plus More!

  :: Welcome to OHG v.1.0::

  "Members Only Area " written by: Shadow on 07.26.03
Here's the new Members Only Section which include downloads, methods, guides and tons more stuff. But, you need to be in my crew to have access. For an invite e-mail me and tell me your Outwar name.

  "Weird Advertising Method" written by: Shadow on 07.23.03
OK, now I'm going to advertise this site. Ill put this URL in the thug builder "Outwar Builder" so it'll pop-up every 5 minutes to someone's pc. I've decided to give the Username and Password for the Secret Words page. Username is Username and the Password is Outwar1 :D Happy? Please look at the bottom of the page also and read the offer I'm doing. OK, that's it, don't hesitate to e-mail me with ANY comments about the site.

  "Completely Finished/New Layout" written by: Shadow on 07.20.03
GREAT!!! I made a great new layout for the site which I think is much better than the old skeletony layout before. I've finished EVERYTHING that was supposed to be done, now I'll sit back and watch the people swarm in. This site will run itself so there's not alot more for me to do, but I will still update anything I can find to help you with Outwar.

  "Almost Done" written by: Shadow on 07.18.03
Well, what I thought was going to take weeks to fully build this site took about a day. I still have the secret words page and the newbie guide to do but thats it. After I'm done I'm going to change the layout of the site and make it more "appealing"

  "New Site! " written by: Shadow on 7.17.03
I have just started making a TRUE GENUINE help site about Outwar. :D right now the only thing up is the forum, but that will change within the weeks to come.

Please put my flash button wherever you can. E-mail me (see "Contact me" on front page) and tell me the site(s) (up to 5) and your secret link. I will click your link for every site the flash button is on for a maximum of 5 clicks. You can get up to 5 hits for every week. Copy and paste the HTML into any site you own (i will not accept them in forums).

.: Contact Me :.
If you want to ask me anything about the site, ask a few questions or send angry messages click here to e-mail me
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OHG v.1.0 Poll
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