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Olivier Oh

My random page, eye shit included

Yo At the moment just using this space for stiking up some files

Was gona use this space to post a video then realised i didnt kno how, anything else thats made its way on here is down to being threatend by angelfire to update

The topic of ghosts and spirits has come up once in a class I was attending. All I was told is to take the SHIT you get in your eyes, you know, the kind you sometimes get when you wake up, and to put it "here" (this was coupled with a tracing motion with the index finger along the eye lid area) and to see what would happen/what I would see. I am currently confused about one thing. Do I stick the shit IN my eyes or on my eyelids, as it wasn't clear at the time. I'm guessing that in the eye was being implied. If you do try this and you end up stabbing yourself in the eye and go blind or some crazy shit like that, don't go blaming me, thank you. However if you do see some crazy spirits or devils or something, please let me know by errr... writing in this guy's guestbook: Emam's old site

Olivier Oh, Oli Oh, Oh Lei Hui, OOH's page currently contains pictures of a crazy alien man, a stupid sketch of a precision jump and some kick ass wing chun action

New Front Page


Urban Freeflow - Probably the best parkour site out there
Sifu Austin Goh's Website - Wing Chun Kungfu
Circle step, Challenge step, Arrow punch, Sand bag
My first website - only enter if you want to be confused by its existence (if you look around you will find a 'Guide to Life'...)
My Playlist - Songs currently gracing my Winamp, laff and cry with/at me

Thanks to Emam for making this... and for using a bit where I was doing it cheaply...jeez (and no, I'm not fondling my breast)<-- Oli

Emam -->HA! Teach you to make ME look like a fool... meeeh, I know, I do that to myself by not getting my hair cut, meh

Wee Wee Testing

© Olivier Lei Hui Oh 2004-05