
A short (and I mean short ^^) collaboration fic between Alty and I. Done to pass the boredom of French and Dutch class XD Staring the infamous Malachi and Dazriel… and two rats ^^ Yeah, mental break down in eminent.


Dark in here… Malachi lifted one mud covered paw. Letting it slip to the ground quietly. His prey froze for a second, whiskers twitching. The daemon dimmed the glow from his eyes. The rat blinked and went back to gnawing on the finger joint it’d found.
Malachi wrinkled his muzzle and crept forward again. The rat hopped a bit and the daemon growled lowly… --Cursed


Then, another grey widdle rat jumped out from behind a sheet of rusty metal, pouncing on the other rat. The two rodents rolled around n the floor, squeaking loudly and biting each other. Malachi sighed and flopped to the floor. How was he supposed to hunt something that was already someone’s prey?
Then again, two birds are always better than one, or rats, in this case… He glanced at his victims again. They were now fighting over the rotting finger joint, one of them gripping the end of the finger with its teeth. The other was tarring away at the other end, pulling at the yellowing fingernail to get to the unspoilt flesh underneath. The verminous little ones thrashed and thrashed, until one of the rats went flying into a puddle of mud, the fingernail still in its jaws.
Malachi tensed up and slunk back completely into the shadows. This was his golden chance. The rat cast the nail aside and skittered back to his companion. Malachi crouched down, every muscle in his body coiled like a spring waiting to be relesed. The rat happily peeped at the other, this was the time, now! Malachi jumped, sailing through the air, a magnificent pounce…
As he was in mid air a sheet of iron in front of him and the rats fell over with a loud creaking and bang. The rats scattered and Malachi yelped and skidded on the ground, stopping right in front of the half devoured finger.
“What the heck was that?!” He wondered out loud, a little too loud… --Alty


Malachi froze, crouched low to the ground. Another crash and a wooden beam above him creaked ominously. The daemon growled and ran back through the tunnel, ears flat against his skull. Deep rumbling filled the air and chunks of earth rained down on him… ohshitohshitohshitohshit…
A flash of pure white hatred stunned his senses and Malachi froze, hackled rising. Dazriel… The daemon snarled and started running again, eyes flashing red. His paw hit one of the rats sending it flying. He snapped at it, catching it between string jaws. Sympathy filled him and Malachi held the rat between his jaws gently. The daemon sighed, Dazriel was really affecting him.
Weak light filtered through the darkness to him and Malachi paused. He spat out the rat, wincing at the taste. The rat bit his paw in retaliation and then scampered. The daemon growled at it before shifting to his lesser form. Gasping at cold mud on flesh until his clothes reappeared. Malachi stood up and padded out of the tunnel, blinking in the sudden light… --Cursed


This wasn’t were he had entered the tunnel, he knew that for sure. He stood, dazed, for a short while, blinking and staring dumbly at his surroundings. A sudden millisecond long flash of white and a rustling in the thick overgrowth that was abundant in the area made the daemon spring into action. Malachi jumped behind a bush soundlessly. He surveyed his field of vision through the vegetation, which gave him a view of the front of the tunnel exit.
Then he realised what the sound was. A trail of rats, a livid stream, was leaking out of the tunnel. They ran into the bushes to the right of him, but the most peculiar thing was they didn’t make a sound. Not one of them,
‘This can’t be good…’ Malachi thought just as the tunnel made a protesting creak and finally collapsed in its whole. Rubble flew past his ears and clouds of dust enveloped Malachi. After the deafening sounds were over Malachi peeked out from behind the bush. He gulped as a foot booted its way through the rubble… --Alty


Malachi squeaked in surprise and watched as the man pushed his way out.
“Malachi?” Dazriel stood, the dust settling around him. The daemon sighed in relief and stepped out of the bushes. Dazriel grinned at him happily. “Where you been Mali-tje?”
“Chasing rats… and then the tunnel fell in on me.” He sniffed innocently. “I saved a rat though! Aren’t you proud of me?”
The angel blinked large green eyes at him. Soft hands curled in his hair and sweet lips met Malachi’s gently.
“Love you babe.” --Cursed

“But where are we?” Malachi asked, casting a puzzled look at Dazriel, “And more importantly how do we get out of here?”
Dazriel cocked his head to one side, pouting, then burst out laughing.
“Oh Mal, who cares? It’s so pretty here, lets just go out and explore!”
“Well, I don’t know. It could be very dangerous out here…I’ve only seen vegetation like this in one other place, and that was in…” Malachi’s voice trailed off… --Alty

“Yeah?” Dazriel turned to him grinning. Malachi shrugged,
“Oh it doesn’t matter pet… only it kinda looks like this place on somewhere called earth… think it began with a G.” A sudden explosion drowned out the rest of his words.
Malachi started and then pulled Dazriel up the hill with him. The daemon flopped down onto the ground among the bright red flowers. His eyes widened at the sight that met his eyes, fields of mud and bodies. Blood stained the ground red and the pits from bullets and bombs littered the ground. Beside him Dazriel gagged and buried his face in Malachi’ shirt.
“Please Mal lets go.” The angle pleaded with him and Malachi nodded, pulling his bonded’s slight form against him and heading for the portal home. --Cursed
