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Thoughts Misguided

My Music Choices
My Poetry

"On the wings of the eagles....."
As every human has a time in their existance where they contribute something, this will be mine. On this page I will be putting my favorite quotes, songs, poetry, or whatever else that I have used at one time or another to help me make it through. Enjoy.

My Quotes:
"Every man knows something, some a little about a lot, some a lot about a little. Just remember, even a fool knows enough."
"Life is a game and each of us a player, each with his own rules and pieces to play. Success in this game is not determined by what pieces you have, but by what you achieve with them."
"If you live life afraid of what might happen, then you are not truly living at all."
"In order to truly live you need to be willing to fly when the odds are you will fall."
"If love is a game then someone has to lose."
"Live each day as if it is your last and you will never be wrong."
"If you spend your life dreaming you will end up with nothing."
"To make something happen; say it never will."
"I am not afraid of life or death or nothingness, but of living as though it had never been."
"One never realizes what they have until it’s gone."
"If there ever comes a point in time where you find the answer it will immediately change to a new question."
"If people tend not to believe in what they cannot see, why do they believe in the wind?"
"Love is not wonderful, until it is returned, it is pain."
"The only thing that has kept me from death thus far is the fear of finding nothing but the realization that I have made a mistake."
"My deepest fear is that one day I will wake up alone."
"To betray a friend is to betray yourself. To betray yourself is to lose your soul."
"Trust is hard to gain, easy to lose, and impossible to regain."
"If you think you have nothing to fight for then you have already lost."
"Angels fall and mortals rise as oceans burn and fire rains from the skies. As kings and kingdoms rise and fade, as civilization passes and time continues, so does the masquerade."
"The only way to know love is to show it."
"Sooner or later, everything travels full circle."
"Show me a man who has everything and I’ll show you a life that lacks meaning."
"Our desire to succeed is surpassed only by our fear of failure."
"All the money in the world cannot by the happiness of love."
"That which you despise most you will become."
"Never is a long time."
"If you can’t ask the question how can you find the answer?"
"I am nothing more than what I decide to be."
"Fear and chocolate are best shared."
"If you go through life too afraid to try, you will never succeed."
"If you spend your life waiting for tomorrow, one day it will never come."
"A secret is merely a part of ourselves we are ashamed of."
"All the answers are always the last place you will look."
