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Mystical Knight Dragon's Darkness Page

My Favorite Things >:D

Not too dark yet, but I still have to find my piccies... Hmm... I have nothing to put here, so I'll just randomly put stuff... Sound good? "You're like a happy hyper-go-lucky goth!" ~Kayla on Halloween. "You're scary... How am I your friend...? Oh yeah. You're so random, it's funny!" ~Mix of friends' quotes. "You're just mad because the voices are talking to me and not you!" ~C.J.: Kayla's brother "I see the blood all over your hands. Does it make you feel more like a man? Was it all just a part of your plan? The pistol shakin' in my hands, and all I hear is the sound..." ~Always by Saliva: the best song ever. I wrote a yaoi SongFic for it, but then I deleted it... "You're tummy tube is showing!" ~Invador Zim. "I'm in my own little world--but it's OK. They know me here..." ~Shirts are awesome! "Friends don't let friends dance white." ~Jim Benton rocks! If you've ever visited my FF.Net ( profile and/or read my stories, you might be confused. Most of them are Yu-Gi-Oh! and humor, which are all very happy and funny. Then you come across my angst and torture stories, which is creepy and detailed. It's weird... I have an easier time writing torture than I do humor... Do you want to get to know me? I don't think you'll ever REALLY get to know me... I got an 80% on my own "How well do you know me?" quiz... I'm still trying to figure out how I did that... If you're sure you want to know me, IM me at Bozonic Caesar or e-mail me at or I also have MSN messenger, but I hate it, so I don't use it very often... Pwease IM me!!! Pwease? *chibi eyes* Are you wondering why this is purple? It's because it's the color of Marik's eyes, and Bakura's for the first season of Yu-Gi-Oh!. Dude...that show kicks some major @$$! Huh... My spaces/enters aren't working... *pout*

The Most Awesomest Websites \m/

FanFiction! (I'm Mystical Knight Dragon...)
FanArt and FanFiction...
The Night World
Kick @$$ Yu-Gi-Oh! Shrines