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This be the Great Mullet, Fountain of Knowledge and Wisdom and Several Corny One-Liners.  Follow the words of the Great Mullet to achieve Illumination and a lovely white wine and pepper sauce to go with the vegies.  Swim well and may the Guidance of All Fish be upon you.

Welcome To Mullethome

The Great Mullet Is Everywhere.

This is Mullethome. A place where sensibility has no place. Here wayward Mullets come and find rest from the troubles of the Outside World and talk a load of bollocks about aubergines. There are no politics here. There are no serious discussions about World Events. There is only bollocks. Mullets come here only to talk rubbish. Many Mullets have been here and emptied their minds, and then returned to the Outer World replenished, refreshed and with a nice lemony fragrance.

Take a Mullet home to meet your mother!

Enlightenment for Mullets can be achieved here. Open your mind and let us fill it with kelp, sand, scales and plankton. Be at one with other Mullets. Swim around a while and take in the sights of Mullethome. There are some. Somewhere.

Praise To The Great Mullet

Famous Mullets Of History || Certain Unidentified Lemons || Wisdom Of The Great Mullet || Mulletspeak - A Forum For Idiots || Angelfire || Zumpdung || The Radium Club Hepsters TALES FROM THE SHED: A comic worth it's weight in rhubarb!
Don't click on me.Bloop

Who Has Been Here Before
Be A Guest Of The Mullets

"Everything is within fish and without chips."
The Great Mullet

Swim Well.
This page concerning Mullets and Their Lack of Coherence has been recognised by the Board Of Mullets, Perch, Small Prawns And Chips as a page concerning Mullets and Their Lack of Coherence. No taxidermists were harmed in the making of last night's crab rissoles. Which, incidentally, were marvellous. The Mullets also wish it to be known that this is a page about Fish and Philosophy, NOT crook haircuts. They would also like to add that if anyone has some nice seaweed or plankton lying about, not being used, then they are sure they can find a good home for them. Thank you.