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Dragon Rose Adoptions

Welcome to Moondark. My wimpy lil site. Give me some time and I will make it better...well...much better. Okay? :) P.S. I'm trying to adopt a dragon from Dragon Rose nursery so this site will pretty much revolve around my hopefully, my new dragon. Sorry about the body of the text. I've just started learning how to do this thing and for some reason the text won't go the way it's suppose to.Name-Cronno Stage- Haven't received him yet Breed-New Moon Dragon Parents- Mandrake and Misty Moon Gaurdians/Friends-Lune and Seadon Adopted from- Dragon Rose. Lune stared out at the starless sky silently from the mouth of her cave. She turned to find her best friend Seadon kicking a bone around the stone floor. Muttering something about "Careless humans". "Ssseadon. The dragon's smooth voice assured. It'll be alright." "I don't like the thought of men being in front of my nose. It makes the air foul. "Hooman's are not all that bad." Seadon gave her a look that made Lune feel uncertain. "Are they?" At that moment Lune sensed something. A change in the air, it was faint but she could feel it . It was a dragon's nature. "What is it." "Fire. "She whispered. "Another Dragon?" Asked Seadon. "No. Much weaker than dragonss flame." " Than what is it?" Lune focussed her eyes towards the ground. Her excellent vision made out figures carrying torches hundreds of feet below. "Ahh. Speaking of hoomans there are some heading our way." "Where are they!" Seadon rushed towards Lune. "Near the Lake of Misst." She answered calmly. "We've got to see what there up to." "If you say, Sseadon, if you say." She rolled her eyes. "Come on. Hop on." Seadon got on her friends back, and Lune took off." *** The dragon landed quietly in a dense pack of trees near to what she could now see were knights. The dragon dropped in the conversation of the knights while Her wolf/human friend regained her stomach and the feeling in her legs. Lune must have dived a little to fast out of the cave mouth. "What about the egg captain?" "It will sell for a lot of gold in the market." She heard Seadon vomit in the background. "Please don't do that again." She said with slight difficulty." I've asked you many a time not to do that and you do it anyway." Lune let out a low growl. "What?" These men are have stolen a dragonsss egg, and are now going to ssell it into captivity. Or into death. The two creatures sat crouched in the tiny forest. Lune with quite some difficulty. She may belong to a small species of dragon but this still was no easy task. "We must stop them Lune! Lets go." And without plan or strategy, Seadon flew into the midst of the knights Wolf tail and hair flapping widely behind her. "Not again. The dragon said and she unlike Seadon literally flew into the madness that her friend had caused. Several knights were already dead Seadon had used her powers to take on those who had fallen but now she was charging though them with her longsword. Lune scared off or killed the few that remained and the egg was carelessly forgotten. "You are to ooverly confident." Seadon glared at Lune. And spoke. "What will we do with this egg." "Keep it." Replied Lune .
