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There's a new diner opening up down the street and they're looking for a cook!  And, hey, aren't you looking for a job?!
The restaurant 
will be called Meat 'N' Taters, and that's 
just the kind of food they'll be serving: 
Meat and potatoes.

You want pasta?  Try down the road, buddy, 
Meat 'N'Taters doesn't go in fer that fancy

M'N'T (as it's known) is open for lunch and dinner.  They specialize in delicious, healthy and balanced meals.

For instance: Baked Potato: Good.  French Fries: Bad. 


The kind that "Mom" used to make.  In 
fact, here she is now, getting dinner 
In order to get the job, you will be expected to plan a dinner menu for one of Mom's healthy, balanced meals, as if you were actually going to cook it yourself.  (Use illustrations and try to make your menu attractive.)

  BUT ...

... Mom doesn't just want to know what 
you're "cooking" her, but why you've chosen 
the foods you did.  And you better be ready 
to explain your choices!  Mom's old and 
cranky and she doesn't like indecisiveness!

(She's not that crazy about Dad anymore, 
either, but that's a different story.)

So ... before you break out the pots and 
pans, let's go back and review our old friend the Food Pyramid. 

"Hi, Mr. Pyramid!"  (Wouldn't it be freaky if it answered?)

Okay, let's get to thinking about our 
meal.  Mom wants a nice wholesome dinner, 
so let's get to work.  (And don't forget to 
make large portions ... the woman can eat!)

Well .... that's 
a good start ...

Fruit and vegetables would probably be a nice place to start.  Let's look at the benefits of both.(Believe me, these pictures look better to Mom than they do to you!) Now let's take a trip to the wonderful 
world of meats.  (No vegetarians at Meat 'N' Taters, please ... Mom thinks those people 
are Communists!)

Our "Meat Excursion" can take us to many fascinating places ...


... like BeefburgOr Hamstown Try  Fish City

And don't forget Chickenville"All 
aboard the MMMMMMeat-Train!"

You should have a pretty good idea of your meal so far but, what do you want Mom to do ... die of thirst?  Let's get some beverages on the table.  Meat 'N' Taters is an alcohol free zone -- otherwise, creepy old Mr. Miller would never leave --  but let's look at some of our other choices: Milk, O.J. and, if you must, soft drinks.

That is not a beer on the far left, Momma just sometimes needs her medicine ...

Now, you've got the basics, what about some of the little things that make the dinning experience a little more pleasant?  Yes, people should leave their annoying cell phones home, but I was speaking of the food.

What about ...


Salad? I know it's supposed to be a healthy dinner, 
but do you think Mom might appreciate a 
little dessert?

Better believe it, buddy!  She didn't get that body by chewin' 
on celery all day!

Good Luck!  Hope you get the job!And if you do ...  ... don't forget yer ol' pal, Mr. Steve!