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Caught in the Crossfire - My Homepage

Tada! My home page. I had to totally revamp this one particular section, because I screwed up while helping a friend with HER site. (Yes, Niki, that was you.) Anyway, here is my personal site. It's got a bunch of crap about (of course), *me* on it, as well as a few other bits and pieces here and there. Feel free to look around and make your own assumptions about my sanity. Enjoy! ^_^

Update: Because I can. Lol. Anyway, I just got through fixing a link. That old RP shit that was connected to this site before? History. Replaced with...? A new and improved website just for the RP linkage! ^_^V! Yay me. It is FAR more informative (or it will be, when I'm done with it) than the other small candy-assed attempt I made previously. THe RP is just too big to fit on my site. So I made one just for it. Tada. Enjoy, gimme feedback via Email or whatever, and be sure to put RP in the subject box, or I'm probably gonna delete it by accident if I don't know you. At any rate, everyone good? Yes? Great! On with the show! ^_^

The Inner Workings of my Dark Little World

Who am I? What am I? This is me.
My Unrequited Quotes
The Hell of being a Writer: The Story of my Life
My Live Journal
Links to my Friends Pages
A Vampire Online Game (Get sired by me! ~^)
Memes! (Kinda like quizzes)
My Story Section (Stories written by me. Yay! ^^)
An Unknown Realm (New and improved RP-ness!)
