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Hoodoo Voodoo

Welcome to my world.

Where the light of the Sun
and the glow of the Moon
meet in harmony.

Where the Flesh
and the Spirit are One.

My name is Angelique Samedi.

I was initiated into Witchcraft
in 1972 at the age of 13.

Since that time,
I have had initiations in several
Magickal Systems:
Orisha, Palo Mayombe and Voodoo.

I am a Tarot reader of 25 years.

I practice a very personal
form of Magick and worship.

We are a Company.

E-Mail Readings
Hoodoo Voodoo Botanica
Totem Animals
Color Magick
Witches Sabbaths
The Moon
Gems and Stones
Charge of the Sun God
Charge of the Dark Goddess
My Beliefs
