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The Illithids, also known as Mindflayers or Devourers, is a subterranean evil race feared for their extremely powerful mental abilities. An illithid feeds on the brain of its victims to replenish himself, sucking it directly from the body. Any non-illithid captured by the species that isn't used for food typically ends up a slave, mentally dominated by the mind flayer's powerful mental abilities. The illithid has no equal with spell mental drain - casting it fastest and inflicting most damage with the same. The enemy has little defense against their spells. They stand about 6 feet tall. have two arms, and have hideous pink skin that glistens with slime. The head resembles an octopus, with white eyes and four tentacles that are 2"-6" long and ¼"-2" in diameter around its mouth- a round, many-toothed orifice. Because they are so absorbed by the mind, they have become very frail of body. Mindflayers dress in flowing robes, often with high, stiff collars, adorned with symbols of death and despair. They can communicate with any creatures through telepathy. Mindflayers hate sunlight and avoid it when possible. Mind flayers are arrogant, and are well known for their cruelty to other races whom they consider a source of food.

Racial Abilities:
* They're able to use the 'mental drain' skill 3 times more frequently.
* They are able to cause more damage with the 'mental drain' skill and receive more mana with each drain.
* Enemies don't get a saving throw vs some spells, so those spells always do full damage vs an attacker.

Stat Modifications:
Str: -3, Int: +3, Wis: +2, Con: -2

Available Classes: Mage Cleric Psionisist Necromancer