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Warrior and Werewolf

These are the last of the Classes offered in DragonStone. These descriptions include the Races that can play them.


The Warrior class is the most basic fighting class available. Their battle training along with high strength and high hit points make them very formidable in hand to hand combat. Warriors train in the art of multiple attacks, some mastering up to five attacks at the highest levels. Along with this training in multiple attacks, a Warrior is trained in making each hit count. ENHANCED DAMAGE is available to only the learned. Toward the defense side of the Warrior, skills of PARRY, RESCUE and BASH DOOR allow the Warrior to ward off attacks, rush to the aid of fellow comrades, and open doors rather barbarically.

Human, Dwarf, Minotaur, Elf, Troll, Ghoul, Lizardman, Drow, Demon, Tabaxi, Ogre


Werewolves are the beastly killers of the realm. Using their claws and jaws to fight, they have become more than equal adversaries to the warriors of the lands. They use all sort of tactics to frighten their opponents into not fighting at their peak level.

Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Minotaur, Troll, Ghoul, Lizardman, Demon, Ogre

And So It Goes........

I hope these will all help you in choosing a charactor race and class. Have fun!