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Shamen Thief and Vampire

This page contains information on Shamen, Thieves and Vampires in DragonStone, and the Races that can play each Class.


The Shaman Class is based on Shamans from long forgotton ancient tribes. The Shaman's spells and skills revolve around ancient spirits and rely heavily on magical dexterity. Possessing the ability to move extremely fast at a young age, they are a very powerful addition to DragonStone.

Human, Elf, Pixie, Elder


The Thief class can be characterized as a Warrior who dropped out of school to pursue more "profitable" means of living. These wirey persons have physical endurance slightly less than that of a Warrior but are much more agile. Whereas a Warrior uses well placed weapon slashes, a Thief seeks to DISARM his opponent. Thieves also excel in the art of stealth. An unwary opponent might not detect a Thief until a BACKSTAB is attempted. To achieve success in this, the skills SNEAK and HIDE are learned. With a Thief's PICK LOCK and POISON WEAPON skill, a Thief also makes the perfect assassin for political powerhouse.

Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Elf, Pixie, Shadow, Drow, Tabaxi


The Vampire is a class that owns the night. Their spells are focused on draining the life from the living. They get their power from the blood of others. Vampires possess the spell Dark Blessing,which greatly increases hit points and damage roll. Vampires are powerful fighters that also receive the dual wield skill. A Vampire has a huge disadvantage in the sunlight, and must be indoors to be safe from the sun's harmful light during the daylight hours.

Human, Halfling, Minotaur, Elf, Pixie, Shadow, Troll, Lizardman, Drow, Demon, Tabaxi, Ogre