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Umm. Thing. Site. Yeah.

Monochromatic...ness... is good. So ogle the wonderful color scheme. Or lack of color scheme.


Yeah, I don't really know very much HTML. But it works, I suppose. Eah.

And there's probably some more pages, but I don't feel like linking to them all. That'll happen later. I most likely won't delete this section after it's done, either.

Hmm, I feel like putting up a pseudo-personal thing up here. Because mocking stuff is fun!

I like rain, the feeling of wet sand squishing between my toes, sticky notes, Sharpies, duct tape, Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Half-Life, my collection of custom decorated monitors (currently numbering 2... need to 'acquire' more Dayteks!), and fragging.

Woo, that was interesting.align>