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I am 11% evil.
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Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Find out what anime girl you are.

What fuzzy creature are you?

You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in these modern times. Unicorns are pure and incurruptible. In China, unicorns symbolised gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some potchers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prised possesion, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when disattached from the unicorn's body, the magic was suggnificantly reduced and could only protect against poison. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spirling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color. Congradulations, you are a rarity amoung mythical beasts. There aren't enough of people like you in the world.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!

Take the Greek Goddess Test @ Rasberry Rain

Find out what anime girl you are.

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti
As the Day that cleanses and gives Life, your Dragon color is... WHITE If there ever was an apparition of balance, power and reclusive intelligence, your Inner Dragon is it. Whites are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the evil Black Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions (especially Taoism). Though you might find that neat in passing, it's not really what a White is all about. You like to think things out, plot against enemies, and look down upon the world from the highest mountain peaks. Your favorable attributes are the Day, the Sun, reaching for spirituality, truth, a positive attitude, and helpful magic. Humans only need fear you when they stray into your domain without proper payment for passage. Of course, that payment would probably be a cake the size of a Volkswagen, but hey, if they wanted to move through your turf they should have brought it, right? If someone ever threatens you, your Inner Dragon would likely tell you to hit and run, or just plain run. If they really wanted a fight you'd be an impressive opponent, considering you pack a breath weapon combination of Fire and Lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage.

A WHITE Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a White Dragon on the inside. If there ever was an apparition of balance, power and reclusive intelligence, my Inner Dragon is it. Whites are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. My antithesis is the evil Black Dragon.

My Inner Dragon likes to think things out, plot against enemies, and look down upon the world from the highest mountain peaks. My favorable attributes are the Day, the Sun, truth, a positive attitude, and helpful magic. Humans only need fear me when they stray into my domain without proper tribute. Of course, that tribute would probably be a cake the size of a Volkswagen, but hey, if they wanted to move through my turf they should have brought it, right? If someone ever really wanted a fight I'd be an impressive opponent, considering I pack a breath weapon combination of Fire and Lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage.

Which Ringwraith are You?
By Lisa
If I were a Slayers character, I'd be Sylphiel Nels Rada!  Who would you be? Your matches, in order, are as follows: 1: Sylphiel Nels Rada 2: Filia ul Copt 3: Zelgadiss Graywords 4: Zangulus 5: Xelloss Great question from this quiz (I think): 12. If a gameshow host offered the choice of either (a) $1000, or (b) a coin toss to determine whether I get either $2000 or $0, I would... b) mug the guy, grab the $2000, and run like hell Innocent

What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Utena girl are you?
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You are blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. You have a false sense of contentness. You are usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on you to help when they have problems, but you only fall short of being able to solve your own.

What inner color are you?

:: how jedi are you? ::


Which Utena guy are you?
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Which Utena couple are you?
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Lady Macbeth

Which woman of Shakespeare are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Almost a Vampire
Almost a Vampire

What type of vampire are you?
brought to you by Quizilla 50% seme
50% Seme

How seme are you?
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What Anime Vampire Are You?
What Magical Girl Are You?
What Anime Art Style Are You?
What Forest Creature Are You? orange
You are orange-haired. You are cute and have an
inquisitive personality, but you are also
fiercely proud. In many ways you are a
traditionalist, and very stubborn.

What is your inner anime hair color?
brought to you by Quizilla Uyuki
You are Uyuki. You are a very thoughtful and
private person. Nobody ever quite knows what
you're thinking, but they know that you are

Which Urusei Yatsura (anime) Heroine are you?
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SPIRIT is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla You are Peace
You are Peace. You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Sweet in a Shy way.You're so shy!And it makes you
so cute all the time.You don't know how to act
around other people,and that's your appeal.

How Sweet are You?
brought to you by Quizilla cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Water Goddess
Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla woodchuck

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla
You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla Tired
You're too tired to be bothered with smiling,but
you're too nice to be really mean when people
are annoying you.You look tired,but you at
least try to seem happy.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Snow White
Snow White

What Classic Fairy Tale Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Idealistic Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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