DBZ Battle Ground Rules


More Rules 25. After the fight the judge is going to state your damages, to see damage listings go to.. AWW SCREW IT! no need for a page.. theres only 2 listings.. if you have 50-100% of your Powerlevel left (In judges terms.. "Suck it up") then you only spend 3 hours in the Rejuvanation Tanks If you have 0-50% of your Powerlevel left (In judges terms.."You have nothing left to give") then you spend the rest of the day in the Rejuvanation Tank.. (Until it hits 12 MIDNIGHT, after that your all healed up..) BTW, spending time in the chambers means spending a lil cash, the cost is a hourly rate, $100 an hour.(Calculate how muc you gonna spend if "You have nothing left to give" between the time you enter the chamber and MIDNIGHT, so you can pay before hand, If its 5 hours and 30 minutes then you pay $550, 4 Hours and 15 minutes then you pay $425 etc. if you don't get it contact me) After a spar you need not to spend time in the Rejuvanation Tanks. If you wish to heal yourself and don't pay, then it takes 24 hours to heal if your told to "Suck it up" and 2 days, thats 48 Hours, if "You ave nothing left to give". 26.When beginning a battle you must state your "NAME/TECHNIQUES/FUNDS/(Original) STATUS/ACCESSORIES EQUIPPED AND ITEMS" the judge will then take them down and keep track of whose losing or winning. 27.I know all you judges don't wanna do all the math, so after a fight just e-mail me who won and i'll calculate how much their status went up by, and i'll update them. 28.After a fight, THERES ALWAYS DAMAGES, i want to see you in the rejuvanation tanks RIGHT AFTER, for it will be easy for me and the other webmasters to keep track of funds. Unless you post that your gonna wait it out, then you don't have to pay a dime. 29.I will be carrying out tournemants randomly throughout the game, The Grand Prize for most of them will be a DragonBall, the Grand Prize will be different at other times as well. 30.These wishes are BANNED from the site and CANNOT be used ever: Wish for immortality Wish for more wishes Wish for any kind of destruction (I.E. destruction of a player, destruction of a planet, or so on) Wish for another set of DragonBalls or any other single DragonBalls Wish to have another player for you to control Wish for all items (Can only wish for a minimum of 2 for each set of DragonBalls) Wish that has anything to do with another character (Unless its to help) WISHES HAVE TO BE WITHIN THE GAME NO WISHES THAT HAS TO DEAL WITH THE WEBSITE'S RULES OR WEBMASTERS.. OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS NOT WITHIN THE GAME Allright those wishes are banned from the site, these wishes right here are limited Wish for status raise can only go as far as doubling, you can only wish these ONCE for each set of DragonBalls (I.E. you win all the DragonBalls and wish for your status to be doubled, thats all you can do, next time you find the dragonballs you can do it again) Wish for more money can only go as far as tripling it And this one im gonna throw in, you can only wish for an EXTRA LIVE ONCE for each set of DragonBalls (I.E. yu die during a saga, you can choose to come back automatically with status fullyecovered) Anything else you think of other than the banned and limited wishes, can be brought to its full extent. 31. I do not know if there should be teams, but im going to put this rule up so there can be something like it. There can be alliances for a battle, in other words.. tag team battles. Two people can join up and post a TAG TEAM BATTLE challenge on the Message Board, another 2 people can except, but when asking a judge to judge it for you, you have to tell him/her what kind of battle its going to be. 32. DO NOT CHEAT OR LIE ON YOUR STATUS AND FUNDS, YOU WILL BE BANNED FIRST TIME I CATCH YOU. 33. You cannot join as a fused character. 34. Real Battles require a judge and a challenger, the judge determines whose first. After thats determined, the first person posts, then the second, after that its the judges turn to determine what hits landed and what attacks were dodged, also the remaining powerlevel of each person. thats the end of the first round, as the second round begins the person who went second the first round goes first in the next, get it? it goes like this player1 player2 judge player2 player1 judge player1 player2 judge And so on, if you need further information on fighting, then contact me and i'll answer all questions needed to be answered. 35.Have fun and remember that this is just a game.. its not meant to offend ANYONE in ANY way.. Godspeed..