MY Current Gallery Nyar table>

-|Silver Marlonde|-

My deviantART gallery

My email?


Dude. I finally update this thing.
Actually, instead of updating, I kinda deleted everything and all the extternal links. I'm moving sites to and also my art is up on deviantART here:

This is my own personal page, an off-shoot of my Silver Marlonde assosicates. Here you will find my various artworks, many things pertaining to Silver Marlonde and a much less confusing layout to that monstrosity I designed *grins sheepishly*

Thank ye.

Okay, there's heaps more character pics from Chronology of Feia, pics you can only find here dears. Made by the one and only author of the books, A.J.Kelly. There's also a screenshot form the Silver Marlonde movie available in the My Art section, where it will be until I get the proper Silver Marlonde page up and running (once I get Flash Builder, and props to whoever gets it for me!!!) Just remember that the Chronology of Feia pics are fiercely guarded, and I will know if they show up somewhere they're not supposed to be. I have spies everywhere *evil laugh*. Well, at least I like to think I do. Enjoy!

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