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"Why must the weak always strive to become weaker?"

"A black wind howls... someone shall die today..."

Name|Magus "Janus" Zeal

Age Appearance|23



Hair Colour|Silver Blue

Eye Colour|Sea Blue

Race:|Chaos Demon

Blood Type|Unknown

Blood Colour|Crimson Red

Skin Colour:|Pale White



Place of Birth:|Valinor

Date of Birth|February 17th

Place of Residence|Demon Woods/Camelot

Marrital Status|Single

Weapon(s)|Scythe, Daggers, Armour etc...

Weapon Name(s)|NightmareScythe, Magus Armour, etc...



Historical Events|In 12,000 B.C. Janus Zeal was born in Zeal Kingdom. Zeal wasa civilization, far advanced any this world had and would ever know yet it had it's flaws. Those who were not able to use the ability known as magick were dumped below the "Sky Kingdom Zeal" and left like outcasts. Janus was born without the ability of magick, unlike his sister Schala who was far more adept in magick then even their mother. Janus although stayed in Zeal andwentto magick school every day, with his cat Alfador. During this time Alfador begun to learn magick, yet kept it a secret. One day when Janus' mother had begun harnassing the power of the mammon machine, far above it's normal capacity the "Great Being" rose. The Mammon Machine had been designed to harnass energy from the Great Being who slept underground since 65,000,000 B.C. The Great Being had sent Schala into the depths of time, Janus into 600 A.D. and Alfador into 2300 A.D. Janus was now left alone as a child, in a new world, until one day where a Mystic Leader, Ozzie had found him and raised him. Janus then became Magus and was far more adept in Magick then his sister ever was. Magus later betrayed Ozzie for the "greater good" and went on a journey to have his revenge. He first was sent to 2300 A.D. where he was reunited with Alfador. Then later he arrived in 1000 A.D where an old blind man had given im Schala's Lost Pendant. Later he arrived in Zeal Kingdom, and put his power hungry mother to rest, and destroyed the Great Being, all was good again, but there was left one thing for Magus. His sister Schala, was no where to be found, thus he began a new journey to find her. In his journeys to find Schala he entered a Demon Wood where he met many including a young Chaos Demon he presumed at first to be Schala, but later found out that she was not.

Skill Name
Skill Descriptiopn
Shock Spiral
Magus is charged with a powerful blue energy, which surges through him. Then as it flows through him with a proficient ammount of energy Magus unleashes the energy creating a lightning like energy to spiral around the area frying all those who are there at the time. Very powerful.
Glacier Strike
An icy cold aura floats around Magus as he charges up the attack. When his temperature reaches a certain low he unleashes the attack, creating two gigantic Glaciers to strike his foe. This attack temporarily drops the foes temperature, leaving them open for attack
Napalm Dive Bomb
Similar to the Glacier Strike, although to perform this attack Magus ignites himself in a glamey aura, his temperature dramatically rising. When his temperature reaches a certain degree, Magus may thrust his body at his foe like a missle, if this attack hits then it will cause massive damage yet it's rare. Although if Magus wishes a more accurate attack, he may raise his palms, creating a giant ball above his foes, then dropping it onto them. If either versions hit, temperature is heightened for a short time.
Dark Bomb
Powerful Shadow attacked, performed by Magus. It is performed in a secluded area, so if any are in the range of the attack while Magus is using it will suffer great damage. To perform Dark Bomb, Magusengulfs himself in a dark energy and lets it loose around him, hoping to strike a nearby foe. Can hit multiple enemies if performed correctly.
Magick Wall
Magus creates an aura of energy around him. The aura is made of shadows, and is able to deflect any magickal attack for a limited period of time. Inside the aura Magus is also able to meld into shadows, waiting for the perfect oppurtunity to strike his foe.
Black Hole
An impossible to master attack. it's hit ratio is lower then that of being striked with a bolt of lightning. Although when used and the opponent is near death, it may suck the foe into a void of doom, with no escape from the void, even revivification cannot work once one is in the void. Very dangerous to perform.
Impossible to Master
Dark Mist
From Magus' Doom Boots he releases a putrid Shadow like mist, which engulfs the area, killing most life, hiding Magus and poisoning his foe(s). magus performs this skill, by combining his shadow magick with the smoke in his boots, creating a deadly combo.
Dark Matter
Ultiamte Shadow Magick attack. A void is ripped into the time continium releasing a powerful shadow magick, known as Dark Matter. The Matter practically rips open his foes body, causing massive damage on his foes, may strike multiple foes.
Dark Eternal
Magus' most powerful, and trademark attack. This attack rivals even that of dark matter, as it is far over two times powerful. A dark void is ripped in the time continium much like dark matter. Althoguh Magus fuels it with Thunder, Fire, and Ice energy, but as they enter the void all three energys become shadow power, and fuel the dark matter. The entire area is balckened and the dark eternal tears apart his foes.

Ryan McGregor © 2003

Chrono Trigger/Cross and all associations are copyright © Squaresoft 1987