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Welcome to Magical Worlds Roleplaying Games

Welcome to a world where magic and technology intertwine, where Sherlock Holmes wanders the streets of 2003 Oxford, and where a 7003 year old woman marries the descendant of Edward Hyde.Where a 15 year old boy is so dangerous that he must be kept under armed guard by the Ministry of Magic, and where cat people (leonals) are welcome in English Pubs.In a place where magic is a rule, murders erupt

Welcome to a world where carriages roll down London streets and women wear corsets to keep their bodies in a fashionable shape. Where a man from the military must keep himself from becoming embroiled in his own personal fancy, and where a woman of means must take morphine to keep herself alive. In a place where no one can be trusted, a mystery takes place.

In a world of callous strangers, let your dangers be my dangers. Let this be the battle in which I was born to take part.

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The Players

We Invite You To Explore

The RPG Oscars
The Characters and their Muns
And Who the Hell Are These People?
Seattle 2003 Convention
Hoxford Administration Page
T.H. Jarvis' Page
Stoat Me... er Quote me...
