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Eccentric Faerie Tale

Welcome to my Eccentric Fairy Tale.. Hopefully I shall be able to post things like stories in here once I figure things out more.. I probably won't be updating overly often either, considering that I have so much other stuff to do and all that. Not only do I have all the tons of RPGs to post on and take care of, I also am a college student... So please bear with me...

Places I Am Addicted To.. ((more to be added later))

The Silver Halls of Hogwarts - My Harry Potter RPG
Tsuki Tejina - another Harry Potter themed RPG, this one is run by some of my friends. ((Oh, and I play Osryn Kesling. So if you join, feel free to send me a personal message, or post to me! *grins*))
The Golden Goblet - A Harry Potter RPG that is newly mine... I took it over from a friend.
One of my Livejournals.. I may or may not post on this one again.. It's a bit depressing. >_<
My other Livejournal. Heh. This one I plan on posting on more. As long as it doesn't spaz out on me again.. This one is actually kinda fun and all that.. It is mainly me making random comments and all that.. Or else ranting about things.
