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Life & Truth: Poems & Thoughts

Okay... I know that this page is supposed to have poems and whatnot on it, but college sorta drains away the time needed for this project. :) I'm sure I can get agreement on that.

But I thought I'd go ahead and throw a simple rant out here for now. When I manage to get my works typed up, I'll get them up here. I have two stories in particular that I may need a bit of feedback on, but I want to get the basic ideas done first, while the poetry is all en typing right now. Kinda makes me want a secretary for typing. *heh*

And now... the rant. *God, that sounds like Ricky from "Girls Just Want to Have Fun.* I guess I should start with a bit of background information, though I'm not expecting many people to read this anyways, but it's a part of courtesy.
First and foremost, I'm a 21 yr old college guy (Note: not a fratguy or athlete, just a strange and intellegent kinda guy) from the kind and caring state of Ohio *thinks that his cynicism toward his home state is a bit founded right now*. I happen to love music, writing, and art, in that exact order. Music often inspires the other two, as a matter of fact. I tend to be very loyal and trustworthy, the sort of confidante and counsellor of my friends. The only other relevant information left is the whole gay and pagan thing, but only important thing of the two in this rant being the gay part. *listens to the "back" buttons clicking* Okay, now that the audience has thinned a bit, I can start...
Nowadays, I hear several arguements about "those gays" and our desire for equality. I mean, it isn't like we are asking everyone to fall down, kiss our feet, and worship the ground we stand on. We just want the same possibilities as anyone else in America... and yes, that includes marriage (and not some half-baked, imitation "civil union". What would be the point in calling it anything but marriage? A rose by any other name, right?)
And it's getting to be absurd in its enormity. Just recently, our campus emails stirred a debate about gays. One of my friends sent out an email because he wanted to advertise that he was starting a Gay-Straight Alliance. Well, that didn't go over well with some of our body. Turns out it was only a couple of guys that were even against homosexuality, but the whole campus started lighting up like wild fire, which says little because it had happened twice over other things. What can I say? Of course the university's solution was to ban any "unofficial" campuswide email. lol We still get our GSA, but it was just a sort of representation of the bigger picture.
Now let's step up to the national level (or state, whatever). The race against the "Gay Oppressors", as a straight friend of mine jokingly puts it, namely because my roommate and I tend to pick on him horribly, is reaching the harshest proportions. Amending the very documents that are put up to protect all the state's and nation's citizens is just a bit much, and very wrong. It's the same thing as locking a child in a closet because they are a bit different (similar to the Dursleys and their treatment of Harry in the "Harry Potter" books. I know... just deal with the fact. I read the books.) And Rev. Jesse Jackson's claim that the gay rights movement and the black rights movement, and I'm adding women's rights into that list, have nothing to do with each other. No similarity in Black-women's rights movement to Gay rights? That's a load of bull my friends. I'm even currently in a Civil War class. The white people of that time sought to keep blacks as a secondary class in the same ways legislature is trying to keep gays secondary today. It hurts to see that even religion is being abused in the same way. It's not a way to justify hurting or subjegating others, people. In the south in the 1800's, the rich and powerful used the Bible as a shield to keep slavery legal, siting passages and whatnot that allowed for slaves. Now the same tactics are at it again. All I can say is I'm blessed enough to have several friends who know what the Bible really says and they are supportive of me. I love them all.
Now, I want to see who all figured this one out as well. The rights we homosexuals *blerg...sounds official* seek are not religious in nature. Catch anyone offguard? Heh I mean, I'm sure that if someone belongs to a certain church, they might just appreciate the offer of a religious ceremony, but this has nothing to do with the right to marry. Civil marriage has not a priest, but a justice of the peace (I hope that's the right official of the courthouse) to conduct the ceremony. The state issues the couple a license, marries them, and says 'Now you're married'. This entitles them to the same safeguards as anyone else who gets that piece of paper. And Civil Unions are a crock, and here is why: It is one more way of singling gays out as a secondclass citizen. The title of the license is marriage, people. Stop trying to word it so that you can sleep better at night. My marriage in a loving relationship will not cause the world to blow up, as San Francisco has proved, and it is a marriage. *sighs* Well, I'm a little tired at the moment... I'll try to update this rant the next time I have nothing important to do. Thanks for listening! I hope to have an email up here soon too, so that my all-adoring fans can send me their praise *drips sarcasm*. True though, I do want to know what you all think, at least if it is intellegent (in other words, listen to the words of Thumper's father from "Bambi" -- and my grandfather for that -- 'If you can't say nothing nice....then don't say anything at all.') Well, sorry. I need sleep.

End Transmission

September 09, 2004

Sitting in a class for HTML, I decided to take a bit of time and write something else on here. It's been soo long and tooo long! I figured I needed to practice a bit. The professor has known me for a couple of years and I'm sure I won't have any trouble. She's as crazy as I am, if not a bit moreso. Raven is awesome and is the advisor for our sci-fi/anime/fantasy (elves,dragons,and D&D, people *glares...and then grins* Yeah I thought so.), so I know her thoughts as well as can be expected when dealing with insane people. Like the rest of my friends. Heh, I'm pretty sure she's been glaring at me over my shoulder, or smiling *shrugs*. Whichever.

So... the President of the US is tossing all us lovely students offcampus tomorrow so he can come and harass this poor little town of Portsmouth in his bid for four years in office, and four more years of he!! for the gay community. Why? Portsmouth used to be important, but now it's rather more of a rundown ghost town. The desidents of this town consist of either drug-users/-dealers, older citizens (no lawsuits), and God-fearing (mostly pushing) people. The only reason he's here is because he's afraid of losing Ohio in it's election this fall. This is because no presdient seems to have a good chance of winning an election if he doesn't carry Ohio, Pennsylvania, and/or... (insert the other important state) *can't remember it on the spur of the moment*. And both he and Kerry have this fear because the polls show our lovely swing state is split over who to vote for. And I'm glad that each camp has representation, but I think people aught to pay attention and get their priorities straight. Civil liberties come before warcries. Ohio has an anti-gay motion on the floor to amend the constitution as well *needs to see if the right wing got the signatures needed to put it to a ballot vote*, and I need people to think and to greet and to know, okay? Gay people are not evil, sick, or anything else negative. We don't eat small children, actively seek converts, or wish to live outside of society for the remainder of our lives. Not everyone likes the idea of marriage in the community, or at least it's not on their minds. But I do. I have the American dream, per my raising and all that. I want a realistically good job, a loving partner, a pretty house, kids, dog, and my rose garden. *slight romanticism*
Oh well, I guess I should stop this and pay attention to my professor. *thinks and grins* ...But it is Ravencatt... heh Later, then.

End Transmission

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