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Laudani's Web Page (have fun!)

~3/3/04~ Yes im guessing you freaked out cause i acutlay updated my site in 4 months! Well i had nothing better to do and i just got done with homework. Thanks to vicki *if anything blame her* I now have pics for everyone on "my friends page" so now people can run in horror at your faces MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough* *ehhem* Other than that i have nothin to report, i will now return to my post. /////Updates: "friends page" pictures /////

Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob! Adopt your own useless blob!
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