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layout by roo speshil fer ma pal ^.^  


        Salutations! Welcome to Land of Lace

      „ The Queen was gone, along with most of her most loyal subjects and relatives. A new age had begun... the age of the Dark. The Dark grow stronger every day. Will you help protect the lights?„

OOC-Meshi's the new King, obviously. He's also on an excused abscence. Also, I want to applaud Sue on what she said to Cry. I happen to find it very mature and perfect for the situation. As for Cry, it would be a little bit easier to understand if you joined or not if you . Maybe even inactively.. just something. You can have the title and not have anybody agree with you, and trust me it doesn't last long.

I believe Sue had an active check a bit ago, so you should've replied to that. I think that's most of the updates Sue needed. Peace- Madgirl  

      If ye call yourself friend, you may advance. However, if ye prefer to call yourself foe and dare advance, then ye may wish to pray that the Fates will be kind.

Gathering Area

Castle Moon§tar  
The Lake [coming soon]
The Dungeon  
Inhabitants & Positions