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Character Name: Larune Visionbane
Race: Human
Alliance: Evil
Sex: Male
Eye Color: Lavender
Hair: Shock White
Skin color: Pale White, Slight hint of purple (very slight)
Identifying Marks: Ritualistic tatoos over most his body (like night crawler from X2, just for visual)

Base PL- 540,000
Ki- 100
Tech Ki- 100
Max PL- 540,000
IP- 100
Class- none
Transformations- none

Mega Weights, Ki Ring

Class 1: Bukujutsu(given),Solar Flare,Telepathy,Eye Beam,        Renzoku Energy Dan,Kiaiho,Tsuihikidan
Class 2: Zanzoken

-----------------------------------------------------------------------============Backround Story==============
        Larune grew up in a strange monastery, not a satanic church but a place of the dark arts and illusion. During his training is where he learned most of his abilities. He was taught to be fiercly independent, to rely on no one but himself and to trust in his strength.
        Larune's training taught him to use his mind as much as his muscle, from this he gained an unhuman psyche, so he's slightly telekenetic. Larune relys on outsmarting his opponents rather than beating the hell out of them with his arms.