Karis pregnancy went smoothly; Master had confined her to her bedchambers with only Shiin as company. The gentle boy comforted her, made her food, fetched a bowl if she was going to vomit. However, her redheaded companion was also nauseous himself due to the negative feelings she gave off, so he tried his very best to cheer her up.

            “Master says that your child won’t be harmed, Kari.” His softly accented voice was kind, his large hands stroking her hair almost lovingly. She let herself doze to his voice, blue eyes blinking at the words. “He’s quite smitten with your brother…Please don’t fret anymore. When Master likes something, he takes care of them.”

            “But…Brother is mine.” Her voice went choked with tears, frail arms twining around Shiins waist, hugging him to her like he was an anchor. He shushed her gently, cradling the heavily pregnant girl against him. “He said he loved me.”

            “He loves our Master now, Kari…Don’t cry.”


            Master leaned back against his chair, nails stroking down Kinnins spine. Letting the slave purr mutedly from his perch on his masters knee, the vampyre spoke in soft, direct tones. “Rapier, come out, please.”

            The golden haired woman moved from the shadows near the doorway, draped in an expensive gauze fabric. Kinnin blinked at her and the woman smirked faintly, letting her hands fall to the slim hips she possessed, facing the Master squarely. “I’ve found six, Jimial. One’s a boy, but the rest are girls.”

            “Perfect.” Kinnin noted, with an arch of his eyebrow, that the Master nearly purred when he uttered the first syllable. “All at least half, my dove?”

            “Four of the girls are two thirds, actually. One’s a halfer. The boy…however, is full.” At the startled noise from the vampyre, Rapier grinned. “There had been a village surviving the ravaging of the other races, Jimial. The boy was a survivor of that. Granted, he’s deaf but…” She wandered off, grinning more.

            “Bring them in, Rapier.”

            When the Hyb turned and left the room momentarily, Kinnin turned to his Master, voice soft. “What were you talking about? Halfer? Survivor?”

            “We were talking about your harem, Kinnin, dear.” Master grinned indulgently at Kinnins shocked expression, fingernails stroking gently against his slaves pale complexion. “You said you wished for your race to be reborn and reborn it shall be.”


            “I…I don’t understand…” The ebony haired man trailed off, fidgeting nervously on his Masters knee as he hadn’t done in months. “Please…explain?”

            “All the women Rapier is bringing to me carry at least half of a Catheridon bloodline. From what you’ve told me, inbreeding is not a problem. You can beget children on all five girls and raise the brats as your own. Teach them your ways.” Chuckling at the nearly ashen complexion, lips brushed against Kinnins own, startling the youth from his daze with the icy feel. “And the other lad can help you…and get more babes on that wretched bitch you call a sister.”

            It was no secret in the household that the Master only kept Kari alive because she was carrying Kinnins child. He made no effort to try and conceal his distaste for the young princess of the dead race. She was an obstacle, and an annoying one at that.

            “But….Master…if the children lay together and beget children of their own…while so closely related…” His breath caught, imagining how his great-great-great grandchildren down the line would react. With Catheridons, inbreeding only meant more nerves sensitive to pain. In their race, pain was pleasure. Pleasure was pain. There was no line, no difference.

            They made excellent slaves for Fallen and Vampyres.

            “I know, dearling. But there will a race, non?” The tone of the immortal wasn’t amused, but softly serious. Kinnins emerald eyes shot back at the others face, studying what expression managed to wriggle from the talented façade. “If you so wish, we can insert some outside bloodlines when needed? Or the lad could sire children as well, if you’re so worried about their sensitivity.”

            Touched by his Masters concern, wiry arms wrapped around the ivory-clad waist. Muscles bunched up tensely at the affection but slowly became more relaxed as it was expressed that the Slave only wished to show his Master how deeply this affected him.

            After a long moment of mutual holding, the bloodsuckers voice was gruff, eyes glancing away. “If you lie with them for anything more then the sake of children, I will kill them.”

            …the woman, anyway. I couldn’t kill the children you cared for.

            The soft thought flashed through the mind of the lighter-haired man and his lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Feeling Master tense up like that again made the slave pull back; cold hands wrapped themselves in his hair, forcefully pulling his head up.

            He cried out, green eyes wide as they stared at the angered face. He couldn’t see the other, free, hand of the Masters unlacing his pants. “What did I do, Master?” His whimper went unanswered, the cold glare of Master boring into his face. Surely it had been the affection that had set the Vampyre off…nothing else Kinnin had done all day had been out of ordinary.

            Rapier walked into the room to see Kinnins legs spread of Jimials lap, being thrust into with brutal cruelty. The slave was sobbing in pain and pleasure, clutching onto his snarling master as much as he could; the Fallen could see the blood already staining the inside of his thighs.

            Clearing her throat, all she could do was look away until the vampyre had spent himself, running sharp nails through his slaves thick ebony locks. Kinnin trembled where he sat, slumped over, fingers trembling. He’d never get used to being taken with cruelty; the vampyre would never expect him to.

            “They’re here, Jimial.”

            He nodded carelessly, fingerpads stroking Kinnins soft cheek. As the slave curled further, Rapier made a motion with her hands, allowing the females to enter hesitantly. There were five of them, like previously stated, entering with as much dignity as their position allowed.

            The first had crimson hair; she took after her non-Catheridon side more. It was curled, however, which could be taken from either genetic pool. The women stood about four foot, five inches tall, with a slim, fit form. She had obviously been one masters favorite, from her graceful demeanor. Full lips, an angular nose and pointed chin clearly marked her as one of Kinnins. The second was as bumpy as the other smooth. Whereas the first had a toned, muscular form, the second girl had a full figure, with full breasts and flared hips. Her own features were equally rounded, and hair was cropped to her shoulders, as thick as wool. The ebony strands were pulled back into braids.

The third girl was the exact picture of a perfect Catheridon woman. She had a figure to match Kari, with a mischievous look to her deep violet eyes and a bewitching smile curling at the folds of her lips. Her hair, thick, dark and curled, was pressed into a topknot at the base of her skull, the ebony threads hiding her ears from view.

The next two were identical twins, both short with tiny waists, nearly no chest or hips to speak off. Their hair was just as dark as Kinnins, cut to their mid-backs in female modesty, with slanted eyes and small, delicate features.

All in all…even without being everyone’s ideas of beautiful, the women were breathtaking. That in mind, Kinnin couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride; these were the women of his race, of his blood. They were beautiful and lovely and they would have his children. His race would live through these women.

            “They are yours, pet.” The soft words were spoken into the slaves ear, cold hands slithering from the males waist. “Go greet them.”

            “…Yes, Master.” The whisper was meek, slim form slipping from the Vampyres lap. A frown pulled at the thin lips, an undead hand flashing out to grab his slaves arm. Kinnin winced at the feel of the freezing fingers wrapped about his upper arm although a shiver of lust made its way up his spine.

            He didn’t kiss me goodbye. The irritating thought flashed through the bloodsuckers mind, nails digging into the pale flesh of the others arm. “You didn’t kiss me.”

            Blue eyes turn to his Master, along with the upper half of the slender body. The whites could be seen over each part of the iris, an eyebrow moving in slight confusion. “You want me to?”

            “You always do.”

            The odd logic caught the youth off guard, lips parting into a small ‘o’. “But…I thought you didn’t…” Eyebrows furrow together, voice drooping to a small whisper. “Last time I did something out of affection you…hurt me.”

            And not the way he likes being hurt either…

            Masters upper lip twitched slightly, pulling his slave back once more. Cold lips pressed firmly against the pliant, warm pair belonging to the prince before speaking. Actually, it was more a mouthing of words, a whisper of breath, instead of an actual statement. “Sorry.”

            The younger male was in shock, but kissed him back none-the-less. After the breath was easily stolen from him, the male slithered back to the line of females. They were all clothed in ivory like himself, in a loose peplos. The third one kept looking at him with a smile, while the first tried not to look at him at all.

            “…What are your names?”

            Looking mildly surprised, the first, who was obviously the leader of the group, spoke. “I am Sorsha. The one next to me is Jorni. The third is Camilion, and the twins are Abriama and Yesu.”

            He watched her as she spoke, giving each women a nod of acknowledgment. “I’m Kinnin.”

            That brought a collective gasp among the twins and Camilions eyes widened almost comically. It was Jorni who spoke, falling to her knees. Her lips, full and bow-shaped, moved to let out a soft, breathless voice. “Majesty…Oh, Majesty…We thought the Royal house had died…”

            One of the twins; Kinnin couldn’t tell if it was Yesu or Abriama, burst into tears, burying her face into her siblings neck. Camilion  was muttering a soft prayer of thanks to the gods, tears glittering in her dark eyes. Only Sorsha kept her calm, giving a graceful bow, sweeping the ivory cloth behind her in a magnificent wave.

            Kinnin pulled Jorni to her feet, hugging the girl to his chest. His voice was a mere whisper, fingers stroking her hair. “I am majesty no longer. I am merely Masters favorite.”

            The twin kept crying, despite all five of them hearing the softly spoken words. The second of the pair spoke now, voice low and husky. “Maj…Kinnin, what about the Princess? Was she… Is she…”

            Kinnins head shook, voice soft. “Kari is alive and well. She’s pregnant.”

            “…Oh, Majesty!” Jornis voice was joyful, arms hugging him tightly. “That’s so wonderful! The Princess is—”

            “My child.” Kinnin moved slowly from the others embrace, smiling faintly. “You were all brought here to help the Cathiridon race become alive once again.”

            Sorsha nodded, pulling Jorni to her. “I figured as much, Master.”

            I am your Master.” Master spoke, cold form next to his male slave. An arm wrapped about the thin lads waist, pulling him closer; the Masters voice was harsh. “Call him what you will, but not Kinnin nor Master will you address my slave as. Understand?”

            Camilion shrunk back against the harsh words, hands fisting themselves in her peplos. Sorshas head bowed, and Jorni looked near tears. The twins continued their crying and whimpering. All three whispered ‘Yes, master.’