--« A R C H I V E : The Picture »--

i'm gonna draw a picture
a picture with a twist
i'm gonna use a razor
and draw it on my wrist
and if i do it right
a fountain will appear
and from this flowing fountain
all my troubles will disappear

and when u draw that picture
that picture with a twist
u think ur troubles disappear
but the scar's still on ur wrist
that scar hurts those who love u
and the pain gets carried on
now looking at this viscious cycle
are ur troubles really gone?

when you finally do it right
and you find the light you embrace
you start to fade and do not see
the tears streaming down my face
your flowing fountain may have worked
and ur trubbles disappear
but when i realize that your gone
i begin to fear.

so here we go again
about that picture with a twist
but i have no regrets
about the scar thats on my wrist
sometimes when i feel angry
and my world has gone insane
it helps to see the blood
and to feel that stinging pain

when you are mad and angry
or when you hate your life
what do you do to show it?
without using your knife?
i cant stop my depression
all my doors slamming shut
twisted pictures on my wrist
can be made with one cut

to see that twisted picture
to feel the searing pain
to see the tears of sorrow
from this you get no gain
today, tonight, tomorrow
that scar will still be there
and every day you wake up
it will haunt you everywhere

when u feel lost and alone
when your worlds are going insane
of all the possible choices
why resort to pain?
but at least you've moved on
what is done is done
just put it all behind you
and start having fun

with this twisted picture
i've made myself complete
from all the pain in the world
i would rather not compete
you may not like this picture
this twisted picture i drew
but what you need to know
is that i drew this picture because of you

i hear what u say
i see what u do
thank u so much
for telln me it was i that hurt u
now i know its at least me
who makes u hurt
but dont forgive me yet
i must forgive myself first

this twisted picture is really
a symbol of defeat
i tried my hardest to live
but the fact is i've been beeat
pretty pictures help me realize
what i really need to do
is to disappear forever
because i have nothing to lose

you call that pretty picture of yours
a symbol of defeat, giving up
but this obssession only hides and never cures
life is hard but lets see it as a half-filled cup
cuz we all know the real deal
is nothing more but a frustration
this pain might not even at all be real
juss our own little horrid imagination

u are never beaten
until u give into ur fears
trust me that u have lots to lose
especially ur friends from all these years
dont think ur alone
to face this problem of urs
we'll all here for u
to guide u to the right door

now you want to look at my arm
to see if it's still here
now tell met he truth
would you really care?
dont lie to me about anything
i cant tak it anymore
the more i think about it
i want to be gone more and more

u ask me if i care
what a question to give
of course i do care
cuz its the way that i live
i care because i am that way
cuz i cant stand ppl hurt
life should be a happy thing
not down low in the dirt

why do i need to explain to you
how i really feel
this picture is what guides me
to what is actually real
it doesn't lie to me
and tells me that it cares
it shows me the blunt truth
of how life isn't fair

i'm asking u to spill out
not because im nosy
but because i think itll help u out
cuz the feelings inside arent too cozy
once u talk it out
u no longer need do draw
cuz the picture doesnt really help
its ur friends that help most of all.

each slice you begin to cut
becomes easier to make
but in truth it was wrong
cuz its not your life to take
life wasnt your choice to have
and kicks when ur really down
but friends family time and more
can turn your life around

i know about the cutting
i have the scars to prove it
but when you see death face to face
suicide is one of worse to commit
the stench of death rises strongly
intoxicating those around you
and if you go they will die
death is just to hard to go thru

these words of wisdom
come from the heart of the wise
from those who have been there
from those who have avoided demise
so if ur one of them down low
and need to find the light
listen to these ppl who have been there
cuz they kno it aint right

you think your life's so bad
and your in this all alone
look at your arm drenched in blood
the pain chills me to the bone
what of our countless futures
and the memories to be made
and to regain the hope we had
my life was wat i paid

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