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"An Online Story"

A story made by people who seem like they have a lot of time on their hands ^_^;;

Update: July 30, 2006: 11:30pm Wow, it's already been so many month's since the last time I've even been able to touch this site. I really need to work on it. Sorry about it folks... I just wanted to update a few things for you folks. I've got a new email for awhile now, it's I've only been able to change the email address on this front page... I'll try and get to the other pages ASAP.

Also, I've started up a account and semi-partially started posting the story over there as well. I've also got another story going called Purgatory. Head on over there and check it out and post comments and stuff ^_^;;

Other then that, there are still many things going on, such as college for me while Antirne is finding a new job and Duade aka Joe has been kicked off the story for various reasons. If you really must know, send me an email and I'll let you know. We are also planning a re-write of all the chapters... we are also removing chapters as well.

Welp, wish us luck on getting everything together in our lives so that we may entertain you much more often than we are now T_T... Again, questions and comments? *points to the link at the bottom of the page*

Update: January 3, 2006: 9:00pm OH EM GEEEE! It's been this long since out last update? I'm soooo sorry!!! We've been trying to write the story pretty much... so it sounds much more fluent and whatnot... we've discussed getting out completed story out onto the shelves, but we'll see how that turns out. Life just keeps throwin' us curve balls. One of us is just busy with life and whatnot... while the other is off in another country! GAH! So crazy! I guess I'll give a very much delayed happy holidays and Happy new year! Hopefully things will turn out for the better this year. I'm expecting to do a lot of changes... once the time roles around.... for now you can visit MY poorly designed website here... It doesn't make up for much, but at least I'M more active at this site ^_^;;

Update: September 23, 2005: 2:14pm
What can I tell you guys? Things have been rather heckteck in the remaining two authors lives. I am actually off in a country that's basically on the other side of the world and will not be back for quite sometime. The other is busy with what I believe currently is two nearly full-time jobs. Busy busy are we both... and I have been unable to make contact with her for quite sometime. I'll update on what's going on again later on I guess... sorry for the crazy long delay.. I really want to see what happens next too T_T.

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