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Killer [[ Terran Squad ]] Dragons - v.1.00

Services Offered

Main Page


Not looking for Terran training/squad? Check out the Main Page 
above to check for the other races.

Squad Status: 
Heavy Recruiting

((06.27.03 //  KD-K.NeX 11:18 PM CST))
     Welcome to the new Terran Squad Page. This will be the home of the Terran Squad, and everything you need can be accessed here. Pardon for it being skin and bones, but we don't need much to get by and I'm too lazy. Anyway, be sure to register (ALL MEMBERS) on our new forum in the CLAN links to the left. If you don't, you risk having it stolen. And if it is, I can't help you. Also: The Terran Squad is looking for new recruits. It is not an easy Squad to get into, and only dedicated gamers/teachers will be able to enter. 
     The site has been updated. Check the Main Page under the CLAN links to see what Combat's up to this update. Don't forget to remind him to put the forum on the page, and check to see if your name is under the members, what rank you are, and so on and so forth. I want to take this time to wish everyone luck who tries out for the clan, and may you be successful. Anyways, I got a lot of work ahead of me tonight, and OZZFEST Sunday, so I'll get back to it!

KD-K.NeX : 300th Win ( w/ KD-Prowler ) 06.27.03
Tournament tomorrow: 5pm CST :: Myself, Prowler, Combat and Sinep are the designated ''0wnage distributors'' for this shindig. Results will be posted on the Forum, and possibly here in regards to the Terran Squad.
Meeting: Monday 8pm PST (Called by KD-Swifty) Contact Leader if you can not attend. Myself: