"Who knew that at Brian's life and death situation too" there should be no rescue available for me in America- because they may evaluate two distinct Engineers lives as nothing compared to illiterate, local/supported thieves and ugly,doubly-aged sexual- predators' low-words when Brian's parents support and live on criminals' money and are determined to destroy us!

Even after discovering Brian's grave spot, I cann't pull it open! See It's tape here! Instead,at this corner I meet the CAR THIEVES/twisted Robbers( my three or four cars are stolen in a single tragic- most year causing $5500- $15000 raw loss and recurring consequences of loss in job previlages, looted by local thieves to snatch my savings for Brian's miserys solving). ROBBERS CUT MY FINANCES constantly to cut our lives off at this point of strangulation(and I could not seek needful active/legal help to cop up constant villagers' nagging problem creating after terrorists! Creatures enjoy looting when it's such a cold time for BRIAN. Every bit of politics occur in front of my death-savers need even in job-level!Then their local cops try to compare values of statements from two opponent parties, without counting qualities/merits ( after my loosing on their car-loots)of both sides and equate with the weitages of money in possession, instead of being scentific, working on practical ways of tracing out any living being with SSN, Credit card, Employment, Tax-return, any physical -based record status; while Brian gets killed by such serial killers/predators being a neglected U.S. citizen without my coverage for my immediate family when I am an immigrant. They can just give a rotation on talking responsibilities to find out my only living being!immigration-> local cops-> villagers' brian/politics work-> Llanno sheriffs raw lying!-> nullness to save him. ( In this primitive villages they can send you in crazyness to do their unscitific lol-level job -because their little ten-grader's brian cann't perceive any better anatomy of status, statements as well, can enjoy someone's crusifiction; you can only seek court for some particular issues and after spending a lot of money what comes to three times of the income earned from poor little things, as available when your life-partner is crucified, career link is lost in time and local distance, and there is no help, after they committed the full-fleged loot)!
They do not offer me with the reasonable work to my career proportionate,in order to work out if I am the only rescuer, need immediate finances to crack down the "uniformed liar-"Llano Sheriffs lying for destroying his life with that brutal cruelty( who should have been locked up for life term if trying to do so in any reasonable place) and abandoning me from there; the "Shits" in here instead of offerring help, offer shit-proposals with lol_ness - or cut my finances, car and possibly career off, even in the poor odd jobs, what I do take because of being car-leg less in my life here!
This is what the terrorists enhanced- torture on my job+ car eventually to make our home base week enough; then cut off Brian's entity by rate-Rape-torture-police blinding activity, get a hold of Schinigar etc. to support Crime-backup, blindfool my local law-entity on my day-by day weekened base( making like of no-signature, whereas the raw-whores are of that kind truly) in order to humiliate my extreme cry for him. The illiterate -like villagers know only the bodily activities to support a woman- so I am such a BIG LOOSER!!
I am in such a "beggar kind of tribal/1-dollar-greedy community" ,that here the car mechanic/dealer / such raw cops would make stealling on my car so that my jobs/and Brian's surviving visits could make the things impossible to have his life back. Such Sweeper's tampering greediness in respect of my being terrorised with massacre in career/income now that I have to deal with in this ackward society - where life is almost impossible to expect on your own, as prescribed!
Compare the culture we have when somebody goes through this terrible situations!
America, not only a few century old, also that it is thousands of years backward in order to find any civilization or culture! It describes "how much law-intricacies are there here" and practically their lawless/ colored laws(in tuning with criminal/lawless local gathering/community),tenth-grader's sucess achieving law-enforcement(specially in vallages) practice "Human Traficking", :"Kidnap"+ "Rape" +" Murder of innocents", +"set a lie-block through some kind of local-law-enforcement" = destroy lives by finger tips of innocent /week people, minority woman alone(driven by wrongful projection on immigration/opportunities )(even with distinctive professions .

Finding out Brian's traces are not enough for me to do, rather I get severely disturbed on stealing of my cars to make me immobile, stealing of my position or job in Dogs' associations by "raw Employer's" falsification on my terms & conditions, in respect of "Dogs' politics to prove themselves as an eqivalent earner( where every certificates they have are of "failure's signatures" in the year end- in the country where it does not provide for the professionals, does not care about valuable degrees/certificates/actual work performances, rather value the "culprit" to assign them with equivalent opportunity of stealing, cutting bodies, forgery and so on. Law enforcements do not work on "protecting lives and value-worthy lives"; they encourage criminals to do their task on raw-level dogs' protection, backing up. It's the worst place for immigrant professionals- they can loot everything, kill or make you paralized to do crippled surviving works for "Dollars", which is a viutue of "begging" or "dogs' dogging"! - Such certified garbages pretend to be "whites" in here to ask for laws on finger tips, where the raw- blind certified tenth- graders do not hesitied to apply further injustice with their level of detailing on apperance level; It happens to me when they see me week with progressively diminished lose of my life-side.
You can get criminal provocating negligence(e.g. no taking of Police report/bogus reporting to no action) or such anti-lawfulful reporting and terrorist tuned activity by laws when report to Police/Sheriff/state P.D. or FBI- Federal depending upon your scope of finance-enhanced ability to refer the actually framed laws.
Our, innocent Engineers, lives and career are expendable to this existing raw-fish Asian Bazar style market in American living!!
Do you want to know about the job scenario?-
In the engineering fields people get into the jobs pretty easily by showing/projecting false ids/works. If you do not have a recent projection in work, even though you had a big background before- there is no help to sstep upto; only card shuffling you can hear of in Dollar market to slip you off the track!!.. In the odd job market the SHOE-Sole level creatures can "Expose off, and therefore have jobs and financial stability; they chase after me, when hear the RICH Contact/Background to let me to be broke, and then such expendables exist; --Is it America or someplace else, that primitive to go by the "statistical figures"?? Any kind of help, financial- make up at the bittermost situation= sex- on the palte deal. - Who is a a bigger MAN/WOMAN! - not at all like who is a professional or so.
I am ruined totally when I have Brian on my lap(- not my kid to tolerate, but a spouse, that humanly)!
So in my misfortune they play professionally and, that brutally ofcourse.
On the otherhand-
They declare by some local law-enforecement that some adult aged person is not intending to show up whereas literally he is vanished after the through torture- with what possibility of life? Cast your opinion here..
Indian IT compananies employ any unqualified person on the basis of race and residence staus and provides with some referral service when you are a low- money job seeker( forgetting the qualification, quality of work totally!!)
Are they proud of these atrocities?
Hookers, (being backed by such idiotic fellow/in laws/out in public)America destroyed my family/finances/jobs- step by step!!

We = me and Brian tried to have a simple family, probably by my earning and by his dependencies. He just enjoyed having this little things as some earthly desire, his dream, our dream; for me, it's the least to expect being in America with my career , most definitely!
But we do not have any friends to support us through Silva and such hole-exploring xCreatures generated terrorism, same is the Law-less Law- enforcement/Saddistic(torturous, ruthless to woman, chilren or people who are in accidents) engravers in the villages!! No one I found to show the little sympathy for a highly qualified professional family (capable of earning in millions- as far as statistics are there to consider under normal situations).If they are already terrorised and is in the verge of being killed no support in order to save such valuable,precious lives as I cann't do the manual man-musle-powered digging of his pit-grave(-they are that ruthless eccentric in nature)!!!!

Who gave CRIMINAL PASS to this whore?- what concept and culture?

Do you really like to travel to "Saddam's country" to experience the Third-World/MiddleEast Terrorism?? voice your opinion here.

How non -U.S. progress happened
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