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Here are some more pictures from about town. I took a picture of the Japanese garden from my classroom, then pointed the lens at the view across the lake. The third pic is a river that comes off Lake Biwa. Fourth and fifth on this page are some good Engrish at the Hyakuen shop. I keep asking myself... meets what? Sixth is a picture of a sign in a music store. It says "black" (burakku). I just find it interesting that they label a musical category as "black" (especially since I saw a couple of white people in there like Emminem). Maybe it means "rap"? Reminds me of the time this French pen pal of a friend of mine wrote that her favorite kind of music is black music. Heh heh heh... Last pic is a poster of one of my new favorite groups Tatu (from Russia). They seem to be doing well in Japan.
