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Here are pics from the museum we went to about Lake Biwa. This first shot is a picture of a tanuki skeleton.

Next we have a poster of a dinosaur sitting on a toilet thinking of random English letters. Why this was in the museum I have no idea.

This is a boat which they would not let us climb on. We were sad. I think it is of the type that once sailed Lake Biwa, but I don't know for sure.

This is a miniature of some bridge. I thought it was cute because it has mini fighint samurai.

There were a lot of neat wall paintings. I made up a story for this one. The guy in the center is saying, "No, please! Don't kill me!" And the man on the right is saying, "Kill? Whatever makes you think I'm going to kill you? I'm just taking a leisurely stroll."

I think this is supposed to be a traditional Japanese style room.

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