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This first picture is my cat investigating my luggage. Maybe she wants to come, too? Oh, I wish that were possible. The next two pics are from the Detroit airport before departure. The first plane picture is of what I think are the Canadian Rockies. The map of our progress wasn't up at the time, so this is my best guess. There's even more frost on the window of the next picture, the sun finally setting. We had very bright sunlight right up until we came into Japanese air space. It was the brightest 2am I've ever seen. ;p The next photo is of coming down over Nagoya. It was dark and the interior lights were on, hence the reflection. Next is what appears to be a billboard or something at the Nagoya airport. I thought it was cute. And last is one half of my room. The walls are unbearably sparse (my roommate agrees) so I will need to do something about taht soon. I took a picture of the other side, but for some reason it won't transfer. I'll try again later perhaps. The doorway is what looks so neat. I have a sliding door.

Click on the pic to enlarge it.
