Races of Islands of Myth C r o m a g n o n Cromagnons are living relics from the early dawn of humanity. They are living ancestors of humans and are thought of as Humans by most. Actually, they are quite a bit different; Cromagnons lack the ability for magic completely, but they possess a better grasp of basic skills and are a bit stronger because of their tougher lifestyle. Strength: Above Ave Intelligence: Bad Constitution: Above Ave Wisdom: Bad Dexterity: Average Stamina: Average Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Bad Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 70% Their experience rate is 106 % Average height: 5 feet 5 inches Average mass: 165 They are considered to be rather unattractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much faster than humans. They learn spells slower than humans. They are naturally vulnerable to magical damage. They are naturally extremely resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D r o w Drow are the Dark Elves of the Underworld - fearless killers who are known for both their spellcasting and fighting ability. Though more frail than humans, they are solid fighters with a great reputation of ruthlessness and precision. Those who cross a dark elf usually meet a swift demise. Drow are tallish elves with indigo skin and white hair, and usually have either red or golden eyes. Strength: Above Ave Intelligence: Above Ave Constitution: Average Wisdom: Good Dexterity: Good Stamina: Below Ave Hp regen: Below Ave Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 100% Their experience rate is 82 % Average height: 5 feet 4 inches Average mass: 118 They are considered to be fascinating creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They can see in the dark. They only heal in dark places. They are naturally resistant to unholy damage. They are naturally resistant to magical damage. They are naturally extremely vulnerable to holy damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D w a r f Dwarves are small heavy-set humanoids who usually sport large beards. But never let a Dwarf's size fool you, they are known for their strength in character and in battle. They are excellent craftsmen and make the best of weaponsmiths due to their keen abilities in manual labor. Dwarves are not adepts of magic, even though they have some limited potential. Strength: Good Intelligence: Poor Constitution: Good Wisdom: Above Ave Dexterity: Above Ave Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Below Ave Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 100% They can study spells up to 85% Their experience rate is 86 % Average height: 4 feet Average mass: 155 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much faster than humans. They learn spells much slower than humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally extremely resistant to poison damage. They are naturally resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E l f Elves are slender and graceful humanoids, with fair faces and slightly pointed ears. Elves are a very ancient and highly advanced race with a long history steeped in mystery and magic. Elves are all long-lived, almost immortal, living through centuries and seeming ageless to humans. Strength: Average Intelligence: Average Constitution: Average Wisdom: Very Good Dexterity: Above Ave Stamina: Below Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 93 % Average height: 5 feet 2 inches Average mass: 100 They are considered to be fascinating creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They can see in the dark. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E n t From the Dawn of Time, they came, an ancient race. Moving among the forests and trees as kin, the Ents govern the growth of the Forests. Though they have had some relations with Elves, Ents are seldom seen adventuring, and are often only known as a legend by some Humans. Strength: Above Ave Intelligence: Average Constitution: Good Wisdom: Excellent Dexterity: Terrible Stamina: Bad Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Average They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 88 % Average height: 7 feet 8 inches Average mass: 339 They are considered to be quite attractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally extremely vulnerable to fire damage. They are naturally extremely resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F a e r i e Faeries are a race of tiny, mystical creatures. Although they are equipped with a set of insect-like wings, evolution has left them unable to fly. Although they are small and ineffective in physical combat, they are quick learners of spells, and have been known to make very able mages and clerics. Their size and agility also have lead some of them to become thieves. Strength: Bad Intelligence: Above Ave Constitution: Poor Wisdom: Very Good Dexterity: Very Good Stamina: Poor Hp regen: Below Ave Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Poor They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 100% Their experience rate is 95 % Average height: 2 feet 4 inches Average mass: 13 They are considered to be quite attractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells much faster than humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally resistant to psionic damage. They are naturally resistant to magical damage. They are naturally vulnerable to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G a r g o y l e Gargoyles are magical creatures that were originally created by a very powerful cleric from stone statues. The first gargoyles were terrible winged stone monsters, designed to protect holy places from evil spirits. Still, during a huge magical battle, their inner being was altered and they became fully conscious creatures that have a very high affinity for magic. After centuries of magical modifications and enhancements, gargoyles are nowaday a very much changed race that is not warlike at all but rely entirely upon magic. Strength: Average Intelligence: Very Good Constitution: Above Ave Wisdom: Average Dexterity: Poor Stamina: Poor Hp regen: Poor Sp regen: Excellent Ep regen: Poor They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 88 % Average height: 6 feet 8 inches Average mass: 277 They are considered to be rather unattractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills about as fast as humans. They learn spells much faster than humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G i a n t Giants are huge humanoids. They are non-magical by nature but in a combat situation, their tremendous strength and ability to take damage creates chaos among their enemies. Giants are naturally gifted fighters, that make for great party leaders as 'tanks', even though they are not very bright. They are known to get inordinately excited at the prospect of the blood of Englishmun, and when they %^BOLD%^shout Fee, fie, fo, fum!%^RESET%^, it reminds them of such blood, occasionally breaking them out of shock. Strength: Excellent Intelligence: Bad Constitution: Excellent Wisdom: Terrible Dexterity: Average Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Good Sp regen: Terrible Ep regen: Good They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 20% Their experience rate is 85 % Average height: 10 feet Average mass: 470 They are considered to be rather unattractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They are naturally extremely resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G n o m e Gnomes are small cousins of the Dwarves, and are often found to be helping someone in need. They have rich brown skin, white hair, and china-blue eyes, both sexes have rounded ears and very large noses. The male gnomes prefer to keep their beards short and stylishly-trimmed. They are excellent tinkers, constantly inventing something to make life easier (or more chaotic if something goes wrong). Gnomes are a very wise race, well known for their magical abilities; they are sometimes able to freely use minor protective spells on themselves. Strength: Poor Intelligence: Average Constitution: Below Ave Wisdom: Excellent Dexterity: Average Stamina: Below Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Below Ave They can train skills up to 85% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 104 % Average height: 3 feet 6 inches Average mass: 107 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally resistant to magical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G o b l i n Goblins are a race of mischevious little beings who love to wreak havoc upon others. They are not very intelligent, as the word is normally used, but they are clever little buggers nonetheless. They lack real strength, and therefore prefer to live in clans, though they often fight amongst themselves. Although they are rather weak, they are very nimble, and perform the most complicated skills with ease. Also, their aptitude for stealthy movement greatly aides them when they are carrying out their ornery plans. Strength: Average Intelligence: Below Ave Constitution: Average Wisdom: Below Ave Dexterity: Good Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Poor Ep regen: Good They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 60% Their experience rate is 102 % Average height: 4 feet 8 inches Average mass: 142 They are considered to be rather unattractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills about as fast as humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They are naturally vulnerable to magical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G r o r r a r k Grorrarks are the result of an ill-starred breeding between a human and a lion. Although they remain mostly beast, they have retained the ability to reason and learn as a human would. Still, they have kept the ferocity and fierceness of lions, and have an instinctive and natural grasp for learning skills, which allow them to be among the most feared and able fighters. They are sometimes able to draw on their lion half, and %^BOLD%^roar%^RESET%^, or %^BOLD%^roar LIV%^RESET%^. Strength: Good Intelligence: Poor Constitution: Good Wisdom: Poor Dexterity: Very Good Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Bad Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 100% They can study spells up to 80% Their experience rate is 86 % Average height: 6 feet 8 inches Average mass: 240 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills faster than humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They are naturally extremely vulnerable to fire damage. They are naturally resistant to cold damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H a l f e l f Halfelves are the offspring of humans and elves. They get a mixed characteristics from their parents races, keeping humans' all around abilities but still keeping some of the elven wisdom and grace. Strength: Good Intelligence: Average Constitution: Above Ave Wisdom: Above Ave Dexterity: Good Stamina: Average Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Average Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 88 % Average height: 5 feet 8 inches Average mass: 126 They are considered to be quite attractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells faster than humans. They can see in the dark. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H o b b i t Hobbits are very small humanoids, shorter than dwarves. They are about the size of a ten-years old human child, though they tend to be much heavier than a child. They are cheerful fellows that enjoy eating and singing. Their politeness and peaceful attitude conceal the fierce courage of this race that can do amazing things when needed. They are well known for their agility and nimbleness. Strength: Below Ave Intelligence: Average Constitution: Above Ave Wisdom: Below Ave Dexterity: Excellent Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Bad Ep regen: Good They can train skills up to 100% They can study spells up to 75% Their experience rate is 99 % Average height: 3 feet 2 inches Average mass: 70 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills faster than humans. They learn spells much slower than humans. They are naturally resistant to poison damage. They are naturally resistant to magical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H u m a n The humans of Islands of Myth are the most common race, and also the more adaptable one. Though less gifted than other races in a specific guild, they are good learners, able to master skills and spells equally. They can be both fierce fighters and learned spellcasters. Strength: Average Intelligence: Average Constitution: Average Wisdom: Average Dexterity: Average Stamina: Average Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Average Ep regen: Average They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 100 % Average height: 5 feet 8 inches Average mass: 157 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K o b o l d Kobold are small, dog-like humanoids, with very few redeeming qualities. They usually live in large tribes for a lone kobold cannot expect to survive long. Numbers make their strength, since a crowd of kobold can overrun large foes. Kobolds generally live short and violent lives. Most other races shun the kobold. They are such cowardly, craven creatures, used to running away, that they can often flee combat with no ill effects. Strength: Below Ave Intelligence: Poor Constitution: Below Ave Wisdom: Poor Dexterity: Above Ave Stamina: Average Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Bad Ep regen: Average They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 75% Their experience rate is 117 % Average height: 3 feet 10 inches Average mass: 75 They are considered to be quite repulsive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills about as fast as humans. They learn spells slower than humans. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They are naturally vulnerable to psionic damage. They are naturally vulnerable to asphyxiation damage. They are naturally vulnerable to fire damage. They are naturally vulnerable to magical damage. They are naturally vulnerable to physical damage. They are naturally vulnerable to cold damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L e p r e c h a u n Leprechauns are very small beings that are distantly related to hobbits, though both races have gone separate ways a long time ago. Leprechauns are usually playful and cheerful, being sometimes mischievous. They are nimble and have a quick mind, which gives them natural abilities at magic, even though they are a bit erratic and sometimes lack proper concentration for rituals and enchantments. Strength: Bad Intelligence: Above Ave Constitution: Below Ave Wisdom: Above Ave Dexterity: Above Ave Stamina: Poor Hp regen: Below Ave Sp regen: Above Ave Ep regen: Below Ave They can train skills up to 80% They can study spells up to 90% Their experience rate is 118 % Average height: 2 feet 10 inches Average mass: 63 They are considered to be quite attractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells much faster than humans. They are naturally extremely resistant to magical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L i z a r d m a n Lizardmen are savage, semi-aquatic, reptilian humanoids that live through scavenging, raiding, and in less hostile areas, by fishing and gathering. Adult lizardmen stand 6-7 feet tall, weighing 200 to 250 pounds. Skin tones range from dark green to grey and brown. They are scaled and have a flecked appearance. Their tails are 3-4 feet long and although not prehensile are quite expressive. Males are nearly impossible to distinguish from females without either asking or close inspection. About one tribe in ten has evolved to a higher state and it is these lizardmen that are sometimes seen adventuring. Strength: Above Ave Intelligence: Below Ave Constitution: Above Ave Wisdom: Above Ave Dexterity: Good Stamina: Average Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Average Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 90% Their experience rate is 87 % Average height: 6 feet 4 inches Average mass: 228 They are considered to be quite attractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells much slower than humans. They can eat corpses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M i n d f l a y e r Mindflayers come from the Dark of the Underworld, far from the light of the sun. Their tentacled heads contain evil genius unmatched in any other of the world's races. Said to feed on the brains of the fallen, mindflayers are also reputed to gain psionic power by feeding thus. Mindflayers are highly magical, and can cast magics unknown to any other mortal. They are of average height, but have purplish skin and over-large eyes. Where most races have their mouths, mindflayers have a nest of foot-long tentacles, which they use to eat. Their voices are guttural, and they have a hard time pronouncing certain words. Strength: Poor Intelligence: Excellent Constitution: Poor Wisdom: Excellent Dexterity: Below Ave Stamina: Poor Hp regen: Poor Sp regen: Excellent Ep regen: Poor They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 100% Their experience rate is 87 % Average height: 5 feet 4 inches Average mass: 89 They are considered to be totally repulsive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills MUCH slower than humans. They learn spells much faster than humans. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They are naturally extremely resistant to psionic damage. They are naturally vulnerable to fire damage. They are naturally vulnerable to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M i n o t a u r Minotaurs are very large hairy humanoids, with the head and hind-quarters of a bull and torso and arms similar to those of a human. Horns, hooves and hands together create an effective offense in most situations; combined with the Minotaur's naturally thick skin, they create fearsome combatant. Strong and robust, large and powerful, the Minotaur main weakness is their stupidity. They are as well known for their simple-mindedness as they are for their combat abilities. Strength: Very Good Intelligence: Bad Constitution: Very Good Wisdom: Bad Dexterity: Good Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Above Ave Sp regen: Terrible Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 100% They can study spells up to 50% Their experience rate is 92 % Average height: 6 feet 11 inches Average mass: 249 They are considered to be rather unattractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills about as fast as humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They are naturally extremely vulnerable to psionic damage. They are naturally resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O g i e r Widely known as expert stonemasons, the Ogier were first seen in Islands of Myth during the construction of the city, and the mysterious tunnels beneath it. Their excellent eye for detail, speed of work and ability to work long hours throughout the year led them to be much sought after. Known as a pacific people who long for the old ways of tending living and growing thing, the Ogier were not always this way. They were quick to act and quick on their feet and considered some of the fiercest warriors. Unfortunately, in the ages since the Ogier left their homes, the Stedding, to come to Islands of Myth, they have become withdrawn and lost much of their mental capacity, now reputably slow to recover magical energies and slow learners of spells and skills. Ogier resemble humans in general build, with long tufted ears and broad, vaguely snoutlike noses. However they are much larger and much longer lived, and can be most often seen adventuring as woodsmen, rogues and fighters. Strength: Good Intelligence: Bad Constitution: Very Good Wisdom: Poor Dexterity: Excellent Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Average Sp regen: Bad Ep regen: Above Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 60% Their experience rate is 85 % Average height: 10 feet Average mass: 442 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They can see in the dark. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P h o e n i x The phoenix is a legendary bird of fire, with the ability to return from beyond the grave. They are fierce in combat, but would rather use their great intellect as their weapon. The phoenix are renowned for their abandon in battle. They have been known to charge into combat against great odds, and with little hope for survival. When their great intelligence and fighting spirit are coupled with their magical nature, it is easy to see why the phoenix is one of the most feared races on Islands of Myth. Strength: Below Ave Intelligence: Good Constitution: Below Ave Wisdom: Average Dexterity: Average Stamina: Below Ave Hp regen: Below Ave Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Below Ave They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 100 % Average height: 5 feet Average mass: 97 They are considered to be quite attractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells faster than humans. They can see in the dark. They can fly. They are naturally extremely resistant to fire damage. They are naturally extremely vulnerable to cold damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S n a k e m a n Snakemen are a race of humanoid shaped reptiles. They have most of the features of the snake, with their scaly hide and their cold blood. Snakemen were created a long time ago by magic by a powerful mage that intended to use them as his servants. The experiment was a bit too successful and they proved themselves more intelligent than their creator and eliminated him. Since then, snakemen have always produced some of the best mages of the Islands of Myth world. Strength: Poor Intelligence: Excellent Constitution: Poor Wisdom: Average Dexterity: Average Stamina: Below Ave Hp regen: Below Ave Sp regen: Excellent Ep regen: Below Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 100% Their experience rate is 96 % Average height: 4 feet 4 inches Average mass: 96 They are considered to be quite repulsive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells much faster than humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally resistant to poison damage. They are naturally vulnerable to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T h r i k h r e n Thrikhren are an ancient race of Mantis warriors and are very intelligent insectoids. Thrikhrens are some of the most proficient mages in the world. Their main area of expertise is in the mind; but this doesn't mean their bodies are lacking. They have strong shells and sharp claws that confer to them natural abilites welcome to any spellcaster. Strength: Below Ave Intelligence: Excellent Constitution: Average Wisdom: Above Ave Dexterity: Above Ave Stamina: Poor Hp regen: Poor Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Poor They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 95% Their experience rate is 85 % Average height: 4 feet 7 inches Average mass: 102 They have average charisma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They are naturally resistant to poison damage. They are naturally resistant to acid damage. They are naturally resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T r o l l Trolls are tall and huge humanoids, covered with rubbery green skin. they have wiry, blackhair, and dull, black eyes. Trolls skin is thick enough to deflect some attacks, and their regenerative powers are better than any other race. Trolls, however, are very stupid creatures, with little gift for magic, and who learn very slowly. Strength: Excellent Intelligence: Terrible Constitution: Excellent Wisdom: Terrible Dexterity: Average Stamina: Above Ave Hp regen: Excellent Sp regen: Terrible Ep regen: Good They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 10% Their experience rate is 87 % Average height: 8 feet 6 inches Average mass: 399 They are considered to be quite repulsive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills much slower than humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They are naturally resistant to physical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V a m p i r e Vampires are wrapped in mystery. Very little is known about this race. The only thing known for sure is that they have a definite aversion to light of any type. Another tell tale sign is that of the pointed ears and pale skin. Vampires almost always have a deathly white pallor to their skin. Strength: Average Intelligence: Excellent Constitution: Good Wisdom: Good Dexterity: Average Stamina: Below Ave Hp regen: Below Ave Sp regen: Very Good Ep regen: Below Ave They can train skills up to 95% They can study spells up to 100% Their experience rate is 80 % Average height: 6 feet 3 inches Average mass: 156 They are considered to be rather unattractive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They can see in the dark. They only heal in dark places. They are naturally resistant to unholy damage. They are naturally resistant to magical damage. They are naturally extremely vulnerable to holy damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V i n n i p i e r Vinnipier are a genetic mistake in an elf offbreed. They have small pointy ears like elves do, but are physically stronger being a race much more warlike than elves. They have small oval shaped blue eyes and an awkward slanted head. They stagger constantly, possibly due to the genetic mistake. This makes them appear to be intoxicated almost constantly. Strength: Good Intelligence: Below Ave Constitution: Average Wisdom: Below Ave Dexterity: Very Good Stamina: Average Hp regen: Above Ave Sp regen: Below Ave Ep regen: Average They can train skills up to 100% They can study spells up to 80% Their experience rate is 94 % Average height: 5 feet 2 inches Average mass: 115 They are considered to be fascinating creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills about as fast as humans. They learn spells about as fast as humans. They are naturally extremely resistant to magical damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X o r n Xorns are wide hulking beasts with thick green scale hide. It is not very clear where this hardly thinking race came from, but they imposed their presence and power on most battlefields. They are fearsome warriors, that possess incredible strength and impressive dexterity considering their size. Having a natural affinity for stone, they are known to be able to dig through solid rock to places (%^BOLD%^dig to %^RESET%^). Strength: Excellent Intelligence: Bad Constitution: Good Wisdom: Bad Dexterity: Above Ave Stamina: Good Hp regen: Above Ave Sp regen: Bad Ep regen: Good They can train skills up to 90% They can study spells up to 25% Their experience rate is 92 % Average height: 8 feet 4 inches Average mass: 392 They are considered to be quite repulsive creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They learn skills slower than humans. They learn spells MUCH slower than humans. They can see in the dark. They are naturally resistant to fire damage. They are naturally resistant to physical damage. They are naturally resistant to cold damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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