Guilds of Islands of Myth

The Alpha Guilds are the first guilds a player is allowed to join, when they first start. The Alpha Guilds are: Mage, Rogue, Fighter, Cleric, and Animist. The Guilds differ in many ways, but then they do have things alike. Mage is the most magical of all guilds. It has the most spells. Fighter is the most non-magical guild. It does not have any spells. It uses only skills. Animist uses spells also, but it is not as magical as a Mage. Many say that mage is the best guild to start out in. The rest say that Fighter is. I started out as a Mage, and this is my preferred guild. Although you make your own choice, I would suggest Mage. Clerics can heal and I would suggest that you max cure light wounds ONLY if you wish to be an inquisitor, if you want to be a weaver, forget it, only study it to about 55-65%(I prefer 65%).

The Beta Guilds for Mage are: Abjurer, Elemental, Evoker, and Psychics. I would suggest being an Elemental, since that is what I started out as. It may be the easiest beta. Once again, this is your choice.

The Beta Guilds for Rogue are: Acrobat and Thief. Since I have never been a Rogue, I would not be able to tell you which is better. You will have to decide that for yourself.

The Beta Guilds for Fighter are: Martial Artist and Warrior. Like Rogue, I have never been a Fighter, but I have planned on being one. And remember this: If you do not like your choice, you can always reinc (Reincarnate). 'Reincing' will mean that you will get all of your 'Experience Points' back that you 'spent', I will explain this in the 'Basics' part of my site.

The Beta Guilds for Cleric are: Weaver and Inquisitor. I have been a Cleric before but do not know what to say. They can heal, with Cure Light Wounds (a spell). As an Inquisitor, I would suggest that you study, when you 'Max' the guild (meaning that you get to a level 10 guild level), that you max DarkFlame (again, meaning you get it to 100%). It will always work. Weaver will take more Experience to join. You will need to study Cure Serious Wounds to about 80-90% and Minor Refresh to 70%, when you get to a guild level of 10 in Weaver, then you might want to reinc and NOT study Minor Refresh, Cure Serious Wounds, or Cure Light Wounds AT ALL. Then use all of your Experience to max (to get to 100%) Cure Critical Wounds. After you do that, study Arrow of Light, a Cleric spell, as far as you can. This will give you an offensive spell to attack the enemy that will work around 70-80% of the time, if you studied it that far. Cure Critical Wounds will help you a lot when it is maxxed, you will even be able to be an awesome healer in a party.

The Beta Guilds for Animist are: Druid, Woodsman, and Shapeshifter. Druid will need Gaian Touch a lot, so I would suggest getting this spell to at least 85%. You will need a good attack spell, so pick either Thorn Cloud or Poison Dart. Poison Dart takes 2 rounds to complete, Thorn Cloud takes 3. Poison Dart is preferred. If you want to max your attack spell and Gaian Touch, then go ahead, no one is stopping you, in fact, it is encouraged.

The Gamma Guilds (By the way, I have no idea about this stage of Guilds, as I am not this far yet) are the third stage of guilds. The Gamma Guilds for Mage are: Protector of the Earth, Masters of Energy, Irrefletta, Navigator, Earth Mage, Water Mage, Air Mage, Mystics, Witch, Telekenetics, Evoker of Elements, and Evoker of Ether. Sorry for the lack of info on these guilds, the only one I know about is Navigator (Navigator is a Gamma level guild in both Mage and Cleric). I will explain Nav (short for Navigator) when i get it to it.

The Gamma Guilds for Rogue are: Juggler, Bard, Street Brawler, Poison Brewer, Juggler, and Assassin. As I said, I have no idea about these guilds.

The Gamma Guilds for Fighter are: Knight, Defender of the Crown, Berserker, Dragonfist Fighters, and Mystic warriors.

The Gamma Guilds for Cleric are: Healer, Martyr, Confessor, Navigator, and Harmer. Healer is a very good guild that needs about 3 million experience to be in and max.

The gamma Guilds for Animist are: Weather Watcher, Animal Tamer, Herbalist, Bestial Seccedaneum, Savager, Sylvan Guard, and Sylvan Ward. Animal Tamers can tame animals and call them to thier will, they can also use eagles to sell things from a distance, so if they are on an islands like Darkcaverns, then they can send thier eagle to go sell something. This is called DSell, or Direct Sell.

The Bravo Guilds are the fourth stage of guilds. The Bravo Guilds for Mage are: Master Abjurer, Harbringer of Anguish, Master Navigators, Lava Mage, Mist Mage, Cauldron Magic, Oneiromancers, Watchers of the Night, Psionists, Evoker of Magic, Evoker of Vaccum, Evoker of Flames, Evoker of Force, Evoker of Poison, Evoker of Acid, Evoker of Lightning, and Evoker of Ice. I know there is a lot of choices in Mage.

The Bravo Guilds for Rogue are: Bannerman, Minstrel, Bartender, Black Hand Ninja, and Brotherhood of Thanatos.

The Bravo Guilds for Fighter are: Blade Dancer, Barbarian, Shield Master, Flogger, Thruster, Toad Master, Tiger Master, Crane Master, and Snake Master. The Bravo Guilds for Cleric are: Avatar Exorcist, Templar, Shields of Faith, Dark Worshipper, Magical Torturer, and Master Navigators.

The Bravo Guilds for Animist are: Adept of the Stones, Shaman of Soil, Animal Healer, Animal Trainer, Beast Lord, Sylvan Scout, and Sylvan Protector. The Omicron Guilds are the fifth stage of guilds. The Omicron Guilds for Mage are: Talisman Magic, and Sorcer.

The Omicron Guilds for Rogue are: Gleeman and Troubadour.

The Omicron Guilds for Fighter are: Champion of the Crown and Dragon Master.

The Omicron Guilds for Cleric are: High Priest and Evil Priest.

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