
It's just a Friendly Obsession

Thank you Kris! Isn't this layout beautyful? I't my Nick!! Yea for TAAR!!!Umm yes. I'm currently adding Fanlistings and Links to the site so. Go check it out! I'm also gonna start adding GC guys info!
Still been quite busy but I'm going to add more pics today...hopefully. I'll also be adding a links page to go along with the link to me. So yea. that's about it. Leave me be!
Hey sorry for not updateing I've been busy. Gill's visiting from Texas! I'm almost happy! Wo! But she leaves soon. Anyway, I've mage more graphics, and I'm working on a link for the site. For now be happy with these good songs: Barlow Girls- Superchic, Alien Youth- Skillet, Twist of Fate- Pennywise, Campfire Girl #62- Guttermouth, and Emotional Girls -Relient K. Half of thoose are Christian bands. Just informing ya'll.
Yo Sup Dawgs? Lmao. I'm so a cracker. Wooo! Actually cracker is a word for everyone...
"I have a word for everyone."
"How's this?"
"There's plain crackers. There's wheat. There's toasted and there's burnt!"
Anyyyyway. I updated the Graphics page an added a second Graphics Page that you can get to through the first Graphics Page. By clicking Page 2. Duh. I'm out!
Hey guys todays my sisters birthday so I'm not gonna get a whole lot done. I added a Graphics Page and Converstations Page. Basically it's my Paint Shop Pro Junk and weird yet amusing AIM convos. Yes. Tomorrow[[or whenever]] I'll be filling those pages and adding a My Fav Songs page! Oh BTW if ya happen to be a member of TOD check my diary out at ;;Kairo. Soon changing my name though.
8.4.03!*pop* Anyway. I finally figured out Angelfire. Weeeeeeeee!Anyway. I'm using this site becuz I just got PSP8! And I'm not good! But that's ok. I also made this site cuz I'm always bored so...this should help. I think. And if you wish to find more layouts such as this click the "intoxic Layouts" link below to be taken to the Master! Anywho This layout reminds me of 3rd grade and this annoying girl that handed these notes out and everyone threw them out. Ahhh memorys.... *goes into a flashback*

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Please just don't play with me, my paper heart will bleed...