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Larry's Home Page of Personal History & Information

The following is in depth information about myself that goes beyond the standard resume, and allows you to see the personal side of me.

Thank you for visiting my web site. In this day and age many managers, including myself, feel just resumes aren't enough to select an individual for a job site unseen. When reviewing a list of candidates and their qualifications many times several candidates have similar qualifications and you have to make a decision between these "equal" individuals. Providing this web site gives additional personal information that would normally never be found on a standard resume. That is the sole reason for designing this web site, to provide information to new age managers that ask themselves "I wish I had some additional info on this person" or "I wish I knew this person better". This site has additional in depth information about myself that my resume only touched on or couldn't cover. Being a manager I sometimes wonder what a person is like inside. Many times this helps define what type of employee he or she will be if hired into my organization. (Examples) What types of activities a person enjoys doing in his or her off time? Does a person try to better him or herself by attending college? Is this person active in the community? Is this person a family man/woman or prefers being alone? Let's face it probably 95% of the resumes out there are either done professionally, or the person has had various people help improve and emphasize his or her abilities to maximum proportions so that it catches a manager's eye. A person's "additional information", can tell more of a person's attitude, self-motivation characteristics, and management qualities then a "professionally" written resume. This is why I decided to build a web site, to provide a manager, or hiring executive, additional in depth information about myself from work experience, to health and social life. After reading through my web page and the links it is my hope you will understand me both inside and out. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to let me know, and please come back and visit again!

Links to Pages About My Experience and Information About Myself

Quality Management Training and Experience
Current Projects and Responsibilities
Quality Assurance Mechanical Systems Inspector Experience
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Appliance Repair Experience
Apartment Manager Experience
Platt’s Home Maintenance, Apartment Repair, and Remodeling (Personal Owned Business)
Personal Life, Hobbies, and Interests
My Community Involvement
Meyers Briggs Test Indicator (MBTI) Personal Description
My Military History
My On-line Photo Album
Education Background
