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Jacob O'Reily
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Homid born under the half moon of the judges, claith of the Fianna, child of Wyvern, of the Wyvern's Chosen pack, and member of Mended Past Sept

Jacob was born in the little town of Godfrey Illinois where he grew up most of his life. His years in school seemed to breeze by fast. His academics were excellent and his skills as an athlete were unsurpassed. Once he finished high school he recived some schalorships to attend college in Georgia.  His aun and uncle requested that he live with them in BanterCreek, which is close to where the college is.  His years at college were short lived however as he had reoccuring nightmares about his family back home and dreams of running in the nude, in the night, and in the woods.  These dreams no matter how hard he tried would not go away. So he went to his aunt and uncle in hopes of seeking what it was that was tormenting him.  When he asked about the dream about his family his aunt and uncle were speechlees for a moment, then his aunt explained to him that his family was murdered. Both his mother and father were slaughtered in their home by some strange animal it seems by the way the bodies were mauled and marred.  At hearing this news Jacob burst into tears and out the door with his aunt and uncle trying to run after him. After run for what seems like forever he looks around and notices that he has come upon a bad part of the town a place where alot of drug, drinking, and fighting goes on. So he just casually walks down the street trying not to draw attention to himself. He passes druken people stumbling down the street and ladies of the night whom want to get to know him better, but he doesn't. As he passes by this gruop of bikers one woman their catches his eye and he smiles at her. She smiles back, but her boyfriend doesn't like whats going on and chases after Jacob with a couple of his buddies. At seeing this Jacob takes off running not knowing which way to go only that he needs to get away from these thugs and get back home.  Jacob makes a sharp turn down an alley way only to discover it is a dead end.  The joy on the thugs face can be seen clearly as they know that they got him now.  Backing into a corner Jacob can feels something inside of him that is boiling over, something primal like a fire that is about to explode. One of the thugs takes a swig at Jacob, but thats as far as it gets, for the burning feelings inside of Jacob finally is released in the form of a Huge werewolf war machince. As this happens Jacob blacks out.  He awakens in the home of his aunt and uncle. his clothes are ravaged and torn and blood mats the bed and his clothes. Jacob is in shock wondering what happened.  His aunt and uncle are ther to comfort him and inform him about his frist change and how he is really a garou and needs to be with them for now on to help with his situation.  His uncle tells him about a tribe that resides in New Bremen a town that is a couple of miles away from here.  His aunt packs him some apple to take with him on his journeyand some money for gas and other things.  she smiles knowing that he will find his way and people of his kind there.  Jacob nods in agreement and thanks them for telling him.  His aunt says she will mail his money to him when he gets to New Bremen.  Jacob hops on to his motorcycle and heads off into the sunset towards a town that will open his destiny .....New Bremen.
My Favorite Links:
a  friends band site
a site for howling good fun
My Info:
My Ride: A 76 Honda 550cb
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