Claire Northall
2/10/2004 7:31:29 PM

This is something that has been on my mind since then end of last year: what is going to happen to anime club when us seniors (the main members of anime club for the last 3 years) leave? who's gonna run hte club? will there even be a club?...................................................


 for i while i thought i could only depend on a incoming junoir or senior to do the job (side note: if u noticed, sometimes i've been almost obsessive of being 'perfect" in running the my idea of doing he job was at least for a while really a high standard) but there more and more i spend time with some of the freshman members i feel maybe slightly better about possibley leaving it in thier hands....Carolyn, Maggie, Katie, Kelly, Cassie and all you people..............................


maybe i should explan what anime club was in the past, for you can't know where ur going without knowing where you've been.... well, anime club started in my freshman year, as a shoot off the current art club. think art club wiht a japanese animation club focus. it was a -drawing- club, not a movie club. our meetings were mainly coming together, MAYBE putting on a movie (i remember we lost a lot of our members when we started playing a lot of Sailor Moon) but for the most just hanging out and drawing or learning to draw....we didn't even have a official name yet!... as for participating in school sponsored events, i THINK it was this year(but it could have been the next one) that we all got together and decorated our wall according to the theme of the "wonderful world of disney". everyone chose an anime character to be a disney character. hehe i had Tenchi Muyo as Prince Charming (if i'd known about Fruits Basket then, i would have chosen Yuki Sohma ^^!).....................................................


 the next year was still a carondelet club, an all i remember from that year was more wall decorating (solely with our artwork)...and we went to the cherry blossem festival ^^ that was a success i hope to duplicate this year..................................................


the next year...we lost our monderator Ms. Miller and were without a club... but then Ed Cho and Bennett picked it up and for a while the club was at DLS... that was a very different club from all the previous ones, that was the start of the movie club anime...also we only met once a week, and we often didn't ever see more than 2 eps of a series (best series we watched: Samurai Deeper Kyo ^^).....................................................................................................


 i chose to make our club a movie club because i simply wanted to get as many people as possible to just watch anime because this is cool! this is different! this will change ur life! (well it did mine) but that kinda broke down because people would come freely and didn't want to give back to the club....which in turn put me in a fit....or maybe it was just the stress of the sweatshirt process.. dunno now.................



what is anime club for me? that is a question i have been asking myself, and one you should ask yourself. it has been a social event, the place where i have met, made, fought with, and made up wiht my friends. it was where i learned a new hobby and passion and a culture, where i learned to draw....all these things anime club has been for me ......................... ..................................................................


 but as for today....i things are going well...i feel less stressed... and our sweatshirts are awesome. i feel i have accomplished something wiht these sweatshirts, because, if the club endures, they can still make more sweatshirts (exactly the same) at only a $10 start up cost and again $24 per sweatshirt!.........................................................


the only things is that tho i have to make sure what we are screening is Ok for school, i hate never seeing new anime. I LOVE watching new anime with my friends!!...............................................................................................


 but can i expect anime club to be run next year effectively? in fact waht is our reason for existing, why are we even here? kinda a mission statement i guess. also, why do people want to continue having this club?? these questions i need to have answer before i can happily graduate...i am going to stay connected to CHS while i go to DVC, but i cannot keep this going... I NEED SOMEONE OR SOMEONES I AM SURE I CAN LEAVE THIS TO. Mr. Wieskoff already knows much about how we operate, and i would think he would be able to help the new president and vice-president... still i have my doubts about the future............................................................................


this is something i have thought about a lot and something i don't think i'll ever be able to say out loud... so if u read this plz write me bak. i am out fo words, so goodnight. ~Claire "Hikaru" Northall~



Carolyn Grabill -
2/13/2004 2:42 PM

Ditto, Maggie. This club HAS to stay. The freshmen, myself included, will definitely keep up the club if we are called to. I liked anime before coming, but i had minimum exposure, so this club really opened the door for me to find something i love to do. I'll gladly be part of the leadership of the club if people want me to be. Also, Claire, thank you for the gift of Fruits Basket. Yuki Sohma [sigh] will definitely be my valentine this year. I can't wait to keep this club up and running!!



Cassandra Pratt -
2/20/2004 12:55 PM

What will we ever do without the seniors? I've learned so much from everyone. I'll sorely miss every one of you. I feel it is my duty to help the club continue in any way I can, even tho i know very little about anime. I've been able to open up with you guys in a way i never was able to do before; things will never be the same. A poem:

 I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen,

 of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been;

 Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were,

 with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair.

 I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be

 when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see.

 For there are so many things that I have never seen:

 in every wood in every spring there is a different green.

 I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago,

and people who will see a world that I shall never know.

 But all the while I sit and think of times there were before,

 I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.


 P.S. I didn't write that one, if you were wondering.



ana mason -
2/12/2004 2:49 PM

Im honored hikaru-sempai that you consider me able to help run the club next. im a lil worried but im sure club will be up and running next year, so have no doubts. anime club has meant a lot for me, since ive finally found a place where other people who watch anime, hang out. my friends dont know a lot abut anime, only the stuff i tell them. sometimes they make fun of me, and i hate that. now theres finally a club where i can hang out. ive never been in any kind of club, so ill be sure to keep the club going, if no one else wants too. ill bring in some fansubs, and dvds. i know a lot about anime events in the bay area, so we'll go to a lot of festivals at japan town and to recacons. if the club does shut down, ill open it up. anime club has meant a lot to me, though i didnt like that one week when we watched chobits(not one of my favorite shows). so dont freight hikaru, cause im sure anime club is going to stay a club. panda hime