Incarceration , Pencil Sketch

Date: 4/10/04

By the numbers: just a sketch that i think i doodled during a class, so say...Total : .5 hrs

The date of when I'm actually writing this little rant about this sketch is like July 04... so it's actually been quite a while since I've really looked at this.... i know for sure i could do much better, like drawing the ball on the ball and chain actually ROUND and drawing a plausible skull....  but with most of these sketches, it's not always the merit of the drawing I like, it's the emotion that it invokes in me and hopefully others who view it.

I can't remember what the topic for this sketch was (this is another for my class) but i think it was prison.  Here is a man who has seemingly been locked away for a very long tome, so long he seems to have lost the soul from his eyes.  All he can do is sit and contemplate death as the rats run around freely, sometimes gnawing at his almost fleshless body....his only hope is the few rays of light that manage to penetrate his prison as his life slowly wastes away....

If you had the choice between the death penalty or slowly rotting away in prison, which would it be?


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