Forlorn Girl, Pencil Sketch

Date: 5/24/04

By the numbers: just a sketch that i think i doodled during one or two class periods, so say...Total : 1.5 - 2 hrs

As i said this is just a sketch i did for a class... we do these daily, as part of keeping our skills sharp. I have the same teacher twice a day (an unusal occurance at my large school) so i do these sketchbook assignments twice as well... it's not a drag, it's actually good practice.

As for this sketch, what I really like most about it is the emotion. The girl is so enclosed within the windowbox and behind the window...if we were to be on the other side of the glass looking in, we might see her crying...or maybe it is raining outside and our Girl is depressed because she is forced to stay inside...

hehe all i really know is that i've always wanted a sunny windowbox seat in my room or study that looked out onto a great view... maybe my wish will come true some day?

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