Elven Dream, Pencil Sketch

Date: 5/24/04

By the numbers: just a sketch that i think i doodled during one or two class periods, so say...Total : 1.5-2 hrs

You're probably wondering, "why did she post two of the same images?" Well, i don't have all my scanning skills down yet (oh man! would i love to be able to scan pencil work like Fred of megatokyo.com) so i couldn't choice the better scan... yeah... SO LIVE WITH IT! ...eh sorry ^_^ ;

I like drawing elves or people with elven, pointy ears (Link of Legend of Zelda is a great pointy earred example and maybe where my love of the ears came from)...maybe they symbolize something special? See i don't know, because i draw these things on a whim/instinct so i don't really know there means, i only add meaning to it afterwards.

Maybe teh pointy ears on a character mean that that character is graceful and possesses wisdom and innocence, all traits that are associated with the Fairy Folk... within this sketch, it is the "innocence" quality that shines through to me. this is not ment to be suggestive (perverts, leave my site/sight a ONCE!), no i was thinking of the birth of Rakka in Haibane Remna... maybe this girl is a Haibane waiting to be born?

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