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True Lovers True Friends

Yeah i'm a jerk i know but this one is based on somthing cool also has 2 of the characters based on me and my friend hehe hope you love it better. ^_^ also i own most of them cept the YGO Ones /thought ~narator "Great mom now since all the chicks back in england are fucking gone i can finally get some damn peace and quiet." says Joey Ronn sacasticly./yeah right wish i had my girlfriend back/ ~his girlfriend lives in england and he had to leave her to come to domino. He also lives with his mother. and gonna live with his cousin who is RYOU BAKURA~ "Dad why why why damnit i don't wanna come i don't know anyone cept Malik,Marik,Ishizu,and Odion. i don't wanna cuz i'll never find the right guy here only in Egypt i could find him."says Serena ~Serena doesn't have anyone that ever loved her kinda like marik except for family~ "Honey i can't help it work made me come here to live in Domino and you get to see your cousins and u can talk to Malik about it miss Serena Yukina Urameshi." says her father. "Whatever but do i have ta go to school tommorrow can i wait till monday please?" whines Serena and using that charm of her she gets what she wants and her father said ok."Thanks daddy i luv u"she says with a sly grin on her face. (Serena so far has beautiful baby blue eyes and platium blond hair also has the tan skin like her cousin)~like marik + Malik hehe~ (Joey has Beautiful gorgeous brown eyes and short black hair that his bangs fall on his face)~nothin like his cousin and don't get him confused with joey wheeler cause this joey is smart.~ "Hey Ryou" says Joey when he sees his cousin up ahead. "Hey Joey long time no see huh." says Ryou with a smile on his face. "Yeah and you haven't meet my Yami his name is Bakura, and these are my friends Yami, Yugi, Marik and Malik Ishtar, also there is Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor and over there is the queen of death Tea Gardner. We hate her because of all those gay friendship speeches she makes." says Ryou "Yeah Ryou I have to go soon to pick up my cousin Serena she just got here from Egypt and won't know anyone so see u guys later." says Malik "See ya Malik my love." says Marik ~never said there wasn't gay pairs either haha well if u want to know here they are Yami/Yugi, Malik/Marik, Ryou/Bakura, and Joey Wheeler/Seto also they're will be yaoi hehe so there~ "Hey Serena lets go see my friends please." beggs Malik. "Fine whatever i'll go with u man i can't believe your a baby Malik" says Serena smirking. "Hey Ryou introduce your cousin to mine." says Malik in his ear when they get there. "Ok hey Joey." ~Wheeler in the story will be know as Jou so noone gets confused~ "What Ryou?" asks Joey. "This is Malik's cousin umm Serena." say Ryou after Malik tells him. /(joey)Whoa she's beautiful more beautiful than Marisa/ ~if your wondering marisa is his girlfriend in england lol~ "Very nice to meet you Joey and all of u guys" says Serena blushing. (serena)/man i can't believe that's my cousins friends cousin he's soooooo dreamy/ "Hi my name is Serena" says Serena behind Marik. "Nice to meet you" says Joey with a smile. ~then everyone else says hello. "Well where do u guys wanna go?" asks Bakura. "We could go to our house Bakura i doubt aunt Nicole will mind i know my dad won't." says Ryou with a smile. "yeah and maybe we can u know Ryou when everone is gone" says Bakura with a smirk on his face. ~everyone starts to blush~ "O..k then whatever hey Joey wanna go to the arcade to play games with me?" asks Serena "Sure if it means getting away from my cousin and his psycho Yami." says Joey "hehe yeah i know what ya mean those yami's are a handful." "so shall we go" says Serena giggling. "I wonder where Joey is?" says Nicole "don't worry bout him sis anyway its not like he's gonna go get some sinep" (Inside family joke my cousins) says Ryou's dad. ****************************************************** (back to the kids) " So Joey wanna watch a movie with me?" asks Serena. "Sure what is it?" asks Joey. "Well its not my movie its the lion king 1 1/2 its Maliks fav." blushes Serena. " Sure" says Joey "If its with u of course i'll watch it." he blushes as he says that. "Thanks i'll make the popcorn too ok." says Serena with a smile and a blush on her face. "Did anyone ever tell u that you're gorgeous when u blush?" Joey asks. "Well no acually i've never even had a boyfriend." Serena says. "REALLY because u don't look like you've never had a boyfriend." Joey says getting closer "So lets start the movie." he says brushing the hair outta Serenas face and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. ~then they start the movie and laugh when the funny parts come up, but little do they know Malik,Marik,Ryou, and Bakura are watching them.~ "Damn i wanna go in there and watch my movie." whinnes Malik. "shush Malik my love we have to watch me duel with Tea still and i will win." says Marik. "Oh thats right you have to duel Tea how could i forget that bitch kill her when you win Marik." says Bakura. "Oh i'll be sure to do that." laughs Marik. "Then what the hell are we waiting for on to kill the bitch Tea." chours Malik and Ryou. ~the yamis laugh along with thier hikari.~~then they get to the duel site they see Tea sitting.~ "What the fuck took you guys so damn long "yells Tea. "Shut up time to duel in the shadow realm." says Marik ~they duel until finally~ "Haha now the end WINGED DRAGON OF RA ATTACK HER NOW" laughs Marik. "ahhhhhh!" screams Tea blood gashing over her stupid school uniform the blood driping into a pool around her limp body. "Now thats what you get for messing with me." Marik says "And to make sure" he stabbs her with the end of the Millenium Rod. "Great Job Marik." says Malik going over to give him a kiss. "Well this is interesting we come to find you guys and here you are making out." says Yami. "Well we had a hard day killing Tea." laughs Marik. "Wait you killed Tea? YES!" scearm Yami and Yugi jumping up and down. "Hey guys what the heck happened?" asks Joey walking over. "Nothin much just killed Tea." smirks Ryou. "Cool." Serena says walking behind Joey. ~then Jou and Seto ride up in the Kaiba Corp limo~ "Hey guys wanna come wit Seto and I to his beach house on Saturday?" asks Jou. "Of course but will Tristan be there?" asks Bakura "Um i don't think but if he is mind killin him to man?" asks Jou. "Of course he doesn't hes gonna kill his ass." says Ryou surprising everyone. " Um Ryou i think you've been hanging round Bakura too long." says Joey " Yeah well see ya guys later." says Jou waving. "What did you mean bye that exactaly?" asks Ryou "I just ment that you're starting to act just like Bakura" says Joey with a sigh. "Oh ok then" say Ryou then he walks up to Bakura and pulls him into a passionate heated kiss. ~^_^; lemon is up next at kaibas.~ ~Now they were at Kaibas and there was Trisan sitting drinking a tall beer.~ " Hey what the Fuck are you doin here this is Kaiba and my party get the fuck out." screams Jou. "No i'm here to fuck your sister Serenity you idiot." says Tristan drunkally. "Get the fuck out you Mother Fucker." says Bakura walking over. " No way ass i'm here to fuck and thats what i'm gonna do.""Ha like anyone would want to so i'm gonna kill you like i promised Jou. First i'm going to cut your balls off and feed them to the dogs. then i'm going to make sure there is nothing left of you." says Bakura grining evily. ~Bakura grabs the nearest knife near him and he pins Tristan down and cuts them off. Tristan screams bloody murder then to shut him up Bakura uses his hands and reaches inside Tristans mouth and pulls out his vocal cords.Then to finish it off he cuts him open and takes out his heart and his internal organs and puts them in jars for mumification. Then Bakura puts his head back laughing and feeling very good, so good he cleans up and goes to find his hikari.~~0_0; well guess what lemon scene starts now.~ ~ Bakura finds Ryou but he seems to peaking inside a door.He walks up quietly to Ryou and whispers in his hikaris ear whatcha up to my love.Ryou jumps up 5 feet in the air.~ "What the heck Bakura you scared me half to death."says Ryou catching his breath. "Well wondering what are you looking at."says Bakura. "Yeah we were wondering to." says a voice.~Bakura looks up and sees Malik and Marik standing next to him.~ "Where the hell did you two come from?" asks Bakura. "It doesn't matter what are you looking at Ryou?" asks Malik. "Look for yourself you'll be quite surprised." says Ryou with a mischivious grin.~they look inside and see Joey and Serena french kissing~ *ok now here is what you've been waiting for* ~Serena started to undo the buttons of Joeys shirt all the while a song plays*Egyptian Lover* she presses her lips against Joeys and then feels somthing wet on her lips she opens her mouth willingly as Joeys tongue slips inside tasting the whole of her mouth.~ Then they part for air and Joey says"man you taste like a rare and exotic spice." Serena blushes "This is only the begining." she says. "Whys that?" asks Joey. "Hehe well i've seen some interesting things at night like Malik and Marik going at it" says Serena with a slight blush."Whoa cool which reminds me did you hear somthing by the door?"Joey asks. "Yeah but i think i know who it is MALIK, MARIK."screams Serena"GET IN HERE NOW." "YEAH YOU TOO RYOU, BAKURA YOU ALSO." says Joey. "Damn that sucks we got caught." says Marik. "What scares me is that your cousin watches you guys having sex do you guys sleep with the door open or somethin?" asks Bakura and Ryou."Well um yeah kinda." says Malik with a sweat drop. "Shut up Malik and answer why you were spying on us." shouts Serena. "IT'S RYOU'S FAULT." shout Malik and Marik. "Bastards how dare you idoits say that about my Hikari. Although it maybe true but." says Bakura "Hey!" exclaims Ryou "We don't care who started it why were you there in the first place." asks Joey. "I dunno." says Marik shruging his shoulders. "Oh well since your here might as well get the cameras set up." says Serena with a evil grin (much like Mariks) ~The guys eyes go wide~ "Umm Joey what are the cameras for?" asks Ryou "Well Serena had a great idea of tapin us do it" says Joey with a laugh "And when she means since you're here means that you're going to be doing it with us." ~ALL GUYS except Joey fall on the floor.~ *new song plays Evanesence "Bring Me to Life* how can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home (Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can’t wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I’ve become "Um Serena are u being serious about this?" asks Marik "Yeah cuz it will be weird because we are cousins so is Ryou and Joey." says Malik. "So who said it was going to be Me, Bakura, and Ryou." says Joey."It goin to be the other way around Malik." he says seductivly. ~His eyes go wide~ "Yeah sugar" says Serena as she licks Bakuras cheek. now that I know what I’m without you can't just leave me breathe into me and make me real bring me to life (Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can’t wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I’ve become Bring me to life (I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside) Bring me to life frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead all this time I can't believe I couldn't see kept in the dark but you were there in front of me I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems got to open my eyes to everything without a thought without a voice without a soul don't let me die here there must be something more bring me to life (Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can’t wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I’ve become (Bring me to life) I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside (Bring me to life) ~Bakura sweatdrops and gets nervous which is something he doesn't normaly do.But then Serena undoes Bakuras pants and grasps his hard erection. Bakura moans and while she is doing this Ryou has his eyes glued to the two licking his lips then bringing his mouth onto hers. The three gasp in union. On the other side of the room the others got bored because they didnt feel like having sex then so they stared at the others in awe.~ (thats weird because Malik and Mairk always want to have sex) ************************************************************************************** "Fuck I never knew Serena was like this in bed." says Marik "Agreed." Malik said. " OH FUCK GOD RA God, Bakura Ahh! Ahh! Uhhhhhh…. Oh, God, yes…. Oh, God, Oh God, Bakura, yes, oh, yes…… Mmmmmm Ahh! Ahh! Ohhhhh Gooooddddd……….. Yes! Ah! Ohh……ohh…… uhhhnnnnnnYAAAHHH!!!! OH, GOD! BAKURA! BAKURA! AHH! HARDER! OH, YES, GOD, YES! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" screams Serena. "Oh HOT DAMN RYOU HARDER GODS OHHH YES YES DAMMIT HARDER." screams Bakura "But you have to admit it is quite amusing to hear Bakura scream." says Malik "Sure it is but it kinda makes you wanna fuck him yourself." Marik says with a smirk on his arrogant face. "God! so what do you guys wanna do since they're having sex?" asks Joey "Hey I have an idea." says Malik. "And that would be?" chours Marik and Joey "Well why not go over there and join them ourselves it might be fun." says Malik with the sexiest smile. ~Joey and Marik look at him stund~ "Um Malik why would you wanna do that dont you think it would be like incest or somthing since your cousin is there too?" asks Joey "Well I'm sideing with Joey on this love, it kinda would be ackward and dont you dare give me the puppy dog eyes that doesnt work on me." says Marik "Damn,well you guys suck." Marik says in a sad voice. "Yeah we know we do." chours Marik and Joey. ~then Joey goes over and takes Malik's erection into his mouth and sucks on it inch by glorious inch. Malik thrusts his hips into the wet hot cavern. Marik watches in facination then gets behind Malik and without preperation thrusts hard into his hikari. Malik screams not of pain but pure pleasure. Marik and Joey pick up the pase with Malik and then Malik reaches climax as he cums hard into Joey's mouth. Joey drinks the saltly liquid like it was the best drink ever. Marik soon after cums in his hikari.~ "Fuck that was awsome" says Malik panting "Yes hikari but now it is our friend Joey's turn. Shall we Malik?"Mairk says "Yes lets!" exclaims Malik. "UMM you guys are you s.s.sure?" says Joey in a shaky voice. "Its not like your a virgin Joey or are you?" Mairk said "Well actually I sorta am." Joey says surprising Mairk and Malik. "Hmm well we're going to have to change that." says Mairk getting in front of Joey, and Malik behind. (first off Joey had his clothes on so dont wonder what I'm saying next to be wrong because its not). ~Marik bends down on his knees and then he undoes Joey's zipper and takes off his black boxers with samurai swords on them off with his teeth. Then takes his length in his mouth gently laping at the growing hard member. Then Malik starts to prepare Joey thrusting his finger in and out at a fast pace. Then he adds a second finger then finally the third. Joey arches his back in the pleasure he is feeling.